Cost of Being a Turkish Samurai

Bishop Donald Corder

Throughout most of history empires were built largely through military force or the threat of it. But, at the end of World War II , the emergence of the Soviet Union, and the specter of nuclear holocaust, the military option in and of itself became just too risky. The decisive moment occurred in 1951, when Iran rebelled against a British oil company that was exploiting Iranian natural resources and its people. The forerunner of British Petroleum, today’s BP. In response the highly popular, democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh, nationalized all Iranian petroleum assets. And an outraged England sought help of her World War II ally, the United States.

Instead of sending in the Marines, therefore, Washington dispatched CIA agent Kermit Roosevelt, the grandson of President Theodore Roosevelt. With a sinister precision he performed brilliantly in winning over the people through payoffs and threats of key centers of influence. He then enlisted them to organize a series of street riots and violent demonstrations, which created the impression that Mossadegh was both unpopular and inept. In the end, Mossadegh went down, and he spent the rest of his life under house arrest. The pro-American Mohammad Reza Shah became the unchallenged dictator. Kermit Roosevelt had successfully reshaped Middle East history even as it rendered obsolete all the old strategies for empire building.

In its dream of global empire (as envisioned by men like president Johnson and Nixon), it would have to employ strategies modeled on Roosevelt’s Iranian example. A new type of revolutionary ploy was also witnessed: the empowerment of international corporations and of multinational organization as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Who, were primarily funded through the United States and sister empire builders in Europe. A symbiotic relationship developed between governments, corporations, and multinational organizations invaded and defined the global capitalist stage where capital of a dominant class prepared the designs to subjugate the planet and its resources to US interests.

So as to not directly implicate Washington the intelligence agencies identified assets and had them hired by international corporations. Where dirty work such as the recent hiring of Blackstone by the CIA supposedly for purposes of Iranian deterrent. Historically, accrued incredible political support for if the operations of the identified assets were compromised it would be chalked up to corporate greed. While the intelligence agencies and the US ruling class would be insulated from congressional oversight and shielded from public scrutiny, by a growing body of legal initiatives such as the Patriot Act, including trademark and various strategies of infringement thereof, international trade, and Freedom of Information laws. “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins” by John Perkins.

The CIA death squads and kindred units from the military killed many, many people and most certainly there was extensive ‘collateral damage’ – meaning innocent people being murdered. As regards numbers, we have this public boast in 2003 by President George Bush: “All told, more than 3,000 suspected terrorists have been arrested in many countries. And many others have met a different fate. Let’s put it this way: They are no longer a problem to the United States and our friends and allies.” “The CIA and a Long History of Assassinations” by Alexander Cockburn. The stage fully set for military and financial dominance of an imperialistic government of the ruling peoples.

Alleged CIA assassination authorization. (Examiner) [We're not
suggesting that the CIA has put a contract on Erdogan. -Yet.]

Straddling the continents of Europe and Asia, Turkey’s strategically important location has given it major influence in the region – and control over the entrance to the Black Sea. Aggressive re-building of its economic strengths, domestic infrastructures and review of foreign policy provides impetus and aspiration for Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s administration to fully realize its power and influence as a nation. Hence, Turkey must utilize the strategic depth of its neighborhood, focusing first on those with whom it has cultural affinity. Depth of this profound wisdom, insight and vision for Turkey’s future is fully recognized by Washington as the most dangerous recent development in the Middle East for inherent within the heart of a Samurai are the seeds for a United Arab Republic that might bring forth a single voice and spirit against US hegemony, subjugation and Israeli terrorism.

A thrust guarded against and running contrary to the strategic aims of a contemporary ruling class ideology developed in 1712 by West Indies Plantation owner Willie Lynch. Who left his West Indies plantation and traveled to the Colony of Virginia in the United States where he outlined a method to control black slaves. His fool-proof method involved outlining the number of differences amongst the slaves and then making them bigger. Willie used fear, trust, and envy for control purposes as these modern children of the bourgeoisie direct every media outlet, form of entertainment and sophisticated types of psychological warfare being employed against the peoples of Iran to carry out this modern day social engineering needed to help unseat Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Erdogan is at his finest hour in the Arab and Muslim worlds, thanks to strong words accompanied by strong deeds. Earlier in the year, he forced the Israeli government to apologize after humiliating his ambassador to Israel, prompting Arab media to boast, “Israel only understands Turkish!” Sami Moubayed is editor-in-chief of Forward Magazine in Syria. Where we all are able to appreciate that Chinese strength was developed in isolation from Western culture and acknowledge the same as their sworn enemies. Here is one who has taken up the challenge in the face of the hegemonic giants of this world as he catapults upon the stage of the global arena and is made the voice and icon who must be silenced or appeased.

Political economist and international Egyptian scholar Samir Amin boldly states, ‘the present drift of the Arab world while failing to meet the multidimensional transformation within their own society, critiqued political Islam’s claim to meet the capitalist challenge as being political and not a ‘religious movement.’ Presenting it’s self as ‘radically anti-Western’ as well as ‘anti-European’ and ‘anti-Christian’ but not anti-capitalist. Yet, what is truly feared by the sons of the American founding fathers and the plantation slaveholder elite; a body that appears to have lost whatever righteousness that was suggested to inhabit their founding Father’s souls. Yet, who all did singularly benefit by sending missionaries out to subdue the world for European and American interest; leaving a trail of bibles in their wake, a bunch of dead Indians and castrated black African slaves taught ‘obey your master’ scriptures. They fear those who do not merchandise their religious beliefs but rather fear most those who seek to ascend into the vibrant life of the truth.

No nation is without blame for all have fallen short and weighed lacking in the balance morally so that no one can toss the first stone of historical sin and failures. Why do we not follow the lead of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as our common ground when he spoke before the United Nations about governance that reflects the highest aims of Islam, “… men should pursue to be governed by the spiritual laws set forth within the context of the highest aims in the lives of men to be: “Peoples, driven by their divine nature, intrinsically seek good, virtue, perfection, and beauty. Relying on our peoples, we can take giant steps towards reform and pave the road for human perfection.”

Rather than seeking out the moral high ground and digging down to the dark roots of evil springing out from the love of money, US governmental agents of the ruling class and Israeli complicity [now] have unleashed a frontal assault tantamount to a political tsunami against this Turkish Samurai – a man full of honor and sincere fervor in pursuit of his religious belief. Where, he is confronted by the prejudicial voices in a growing campaign among lobbyists and the US congress targeting Turkey’s governing Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP). An assault led mainly, but not exclusively, by the pro-Israel lobby and neo-conservatives. A campaign being unleashed calling for measures ranging from withholding support for the Turkish government to the US’s backing of the opposition in the country’s next parliamentary elections.

Echoing from the mouths of the US ruling class and hegemony are calls for Turkey to be “permanently” written off as an ally. A number of prominent Republican and Democrat congressmen slammed Turkey’s “disgraceful conduct,” warning that there would be “payback” if they would pursue its close relations with Iran and hostility towards Israel. Washington’s questioning aspects of the sundry dimensions of its Turkish support along with discussions around downgrading ties with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and treating his governance as “an international pariah.” Thus setting the stages to support the opposition movement of PKK and its apparent splinter groups, which Ankara the capital of Turkey, suspects to be backed by Israel. (Article excerpts ‘New Tensions Test Old Allies’ By Lamis Andoni). Crowning achievement of the Willie Lynch agenda would be the martyrdom of the Prime Minister’s vision by the global hegemony’s dismantling of what he represents as being a global icon and his position as catalyst for uniting the Arab Nations and Middle Eastern supporters worldwide.




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