The UN- A neocolonial partnership
Shenali Waduge
What Western media avoids to do is reveal the role of multinational mining corporations from North America and Europe fueling conflicts. Many are not aware that global leaders have personal stakes in these global conglomerates – George Bush is a Board director of Barrick Gold Corporation
When the US bombed Yugoslavia including the Chinese embassy and other embassies what did the UN do? Does the UN not know that the UN Security Council members possess the largest arsenal of weapons? Did the UN not accept the WMD version of the US and has the UN even apologised for the damage they have done to Iraq and its people since the 1990s
If we are to assume that very little help in terms of "honest" decision making, non-permanent members of the council need to start building unity amongst themselves or a break in the US and EU relations forcing France, Russia and China to resist the US and British pressures.
Replacing colonialism today is neo-colonialism and its offspring economic liberalism. Facilitating modern forms of "interventions" upon sovereign nations is the United Nations (UN) whose laws, protocols, conventions etc have been designed to legalise and necessitate these actions. To execute these programmes are terminologies like "responsibility to protect" 'human rights", "press freedom" and even "terrorism" which all eventually leads to approval for foreign presence and eventually enable these states to have their country "looted" of its natural resources. Further strangulating these nations are internationally "approved" institutes like the World Bank, IMF with their "structural adjustment programmes" wherein countries are made to compromise and open up their markets wherein western nations suck out countries of its riches. Ideally, suited are puppet governments to advance western interests but in countries where leaders have shown astuteness or signs of bravado to stand against western dictates, their weak areas are targeted and this is where Sri Lankan citizenry must be alert to ensure that the country’s leaders do not stray nor allow the country to be compromised. All facets of neo-colonial activity is what prevails in modern trade, international laws and diplomacies.