Eureka... !!! it's Eurabia!
Nahida Izzat, Exiled Palestinian
As we have seen too often, Jewish-Zionists are acting as a spearhead of the genocidal war against Muslims, they continue to stir up hatred, fear-mongering and catastrophic wars against Islam and Muslims.
So it's not surprising to watch them shedding off all integrity as they pose as "intellectuals", "historians", experts and think-tanks" while persisting in their efforts to poison the world with lies, fabrications and deceit in the name of "security", foreign policy, or "research".
One of those "prominent" personalities is Joe Lieberman, a close friend of the extremist supremacist group Chabad, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs who declared recently that U.S. Should Cut Social Security to Pay for Fighting ‘The Islamist Extremists’:
"We’re at war with Islamist extremists who attacked us on 9/11 and will be for a long time to come"
Another high-ranking Jewish-Zionist official John Bolton, Head of Staff of the White House who praised Chabad in no other place but the White House itself that: "Chabad is on the top of my list" also announced that social security and Medicare should be stopped to spend more on defense.
The list goes on, and here is but another Jewish-Zionist Islamophobe Bat Ye'or aka Gisèle Littman addressing a group of "intellectuals", and in one Eureka moments of hers and with a stroke of genius she "unlocks" the secret behind the "collapse of Christian society".
It's Eurabia!! The Arab and Muslim plot to take over Europe!
Gisèle explains that: "the Islamization of Christian society" is the cause of the "total collapse of a Christian society".
The "renowned" historian elucidates: "in the study of history the small little tendencies that bring this collapse of a society are sometimes not known", she goes on to explain that the purpose of "historians" like herself is to "detect those small little events"
With her "outstanding skills" and "sharp observation", she happen to notice these "undetectable trends" that has "suddenly brought a total collapse of a Christian society in a way that was irreversible and were it could no more change", a society "which has its own culture and religion and institution well established", is nothing else but Islamization.
According to this "notable" "historian", the multi-million, anti-war, pro-peace demonstrations that spread across Europe were in fact a "huge manifestations of hostility" that proves to her that her that Europe and Arabia are actually “forming one entity” which she calls “Eurabia”.
She explains "You could detect those trends in the European, anti-American and anti-israeli manifestations, huge manifestations of hostility"
She elaborates "In those last years during the Iraqi war were millions of Europeans walked into streets calling for the death of America, president Bush and of Israel and calling for, and claiming their solidarity with Saddam Hussein and with Arafat... this went on for day in the European countries and it was in fact exactly what happened in the Arab countries, we could here see as if the Mediterranean sea has disappeared and as if Europe and Arab countries forming one entity"
But her brilliance does not stop there, Bat Ye'or observed many more of these catastrophic "trends" that caused the "total collapse of European and Christian societies"
She explains her “outstanding” discoveries:
"Then we have in Europe also, separation of sexes in schools now"
How dare those Muslims think differently and offer their children something different??
And we have the "Students, pupils who refuse to study European history and refuse to study the history of the Shoa who are very aggressive towards the masters."
Those Muslims are so arrogant and ungrateful, how dare they refuse to bow down to the “master”, soak in their shame and wallow in their guilt for crimes they never committed!!
The “master” continues "whole refusal of the young generation which is supposed to be integrated into European study and culture, there is a refusal of this culture and a return, a preference towards Arab, Islamic view of history"
The audacity of those Muslim youth is unprecedented! How dare they prefer the Arab and Islamic narrative rather than the Zionist one!!
But the "crimes" of those Muslims don’t stop there, it’s endless, look at their women and what they do: "Also in the hospitals we see women who refused to be examined by doctors, male doctors, so the separation of sex in hospital"
How dare these Muslim women refuse to be examined by male doctors!? have they no decency? have they no shame to demand such an absurdity!
“Also a change of institution when unofficially polygamy is accepted, women segregation and discrimination is accepted”
Now that goes too far, those barbarians!! How dare they disfigure the European culture of purity, responsibility, commitment and sanctity relationships towards women! How dare they pollute the most sacred relationship, practiced in Europe since time immemorial, of one man-one woman !
Gisèle Littman adds : “other elements of foreign Islamic and Arabic culture is accepted in Europe like strong anti-Americanism anti anti-Semitism which is now very much developed in Europe and has been proved by different census and also the declaration of European head of state”
Can you imagine the level of "influence" and "control" those Muslims are yielding in Europe!
They are forcing "elements" of their "foreign Islamic and Arabic culture" down the throat of Europeans, causing them to become anti-American and anti-Semites!
This is beyond obscene!
Clearly, this is an "Arab and Muslim plot" to take over Europe and subjugate its people in order to force them to become Jew-haters anti-Semites!
For God's sake, WAKE UP EUROPE, before it's too late or your name becomes EURABIA!
Nahida Izzat: "I am -Jerusalem born- Palestinian refugee living in exile for over 40 years. I was forced to leave my homeland, Palestine at the age of seven during the six-day war.
I am a mathematician by profession but art is one of my favourite pastimes, I love hand-made things, so I make dolls, cards, and most of my own clothes.
I also write poetry, and participate in dialogues with known and unknown friends as I believe that communication is the first step of understanding, I believe in building bridges not walls.
My shy nature hinders me from public speaking, so I try to compensate for my shortcomings by writing! I started writing about three years ago when my friends insisted I should write about my memories, experiences, and my feelings as a Palestinian. So I self published two books (I Believe in Miracles and Palestine, The True Story) [Biographical information: Growing Gardens for Palestine]
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