I'll Never Do It Again
US Government bagman & Zionist shill: Eric Holder
The whole political system is a crime scene.
Like a little kid who just got caught stealing and begs his mama not to spank him, Eric Holder stated in the House Judicial Hearing that "the tactics used during operation Fast and Furious would never be used again by the Justice Department" and that on the distinction between lying and misleading Congress, Holder said it was a matter of a person's "state of mind."
That's reassuring.
Holder earned his stripes as a cover up agent in the Clinton administration working under Janet Reno to stifle the truth about the Oklahoma City bombing and the related murder of Kenneth Trentadue. Holder's role in Clinton's pardon of Mossad asset billionaire criminal Marc Rich shows how eagerly he will bow to Israeli lobbying and bribery.
Holder was one of many to be interviewed in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 and as Attorney General continues the coverup of that event to this day. Commentary from this video:
Eric Holder was chosen because they planned to rape justice and Eric is the right kind of criminal. The person in charge of the Justice system in America is the same person that runs {aids} Al-CIAeda planning to attack Americans on Christmas in Portland or Detroit. The reason you will never see justice for the real crimes being committed against Americans is because Eric represents another form of "justice." Obama runs Al-CIAeda, and Eric Holder is Al-CIAeda's lawyer. Eric Holder protected the Mumbai mastermind with a fake trial in Chicago. Eric Holder staged a fake spy swap for the media, using the justice system as a game for a show. Eric Holder was part of the Lockerbie bombers legal paperwork "release." Eric Holder is a top "inside job" suspect, for 9/11, The USS Cole, and the Bombings at the US Embassy's in Africa, front and center starring in the whole Bin Laden show.
What is pathetic about the house 'furious' hearing is that some are using it as an agenda for more gun regulations against honest Americans in the name of stemming the flow of weapons to Mexico. Although Holder said he will pursue prosecutions of those under his watch if laws were broken, the administration's ultimate policy is to disarm citizens out of fear that one day they may feel the need to take a stand against the police state's disregard of the constitution and Bill of Rights and overall government criminality.
As serious as this 'gunwalker' issue is, and make no mistake - this was not a sting operation but deliberate trafficking for reasons yet not clear, the house hearing was a sham. We will not be seeing hearings about the money draining scam of the 'War on Drugs,' the ever expanding drug running of the CIA and other governmental agencies with protection of Afghan opium crops and heroin producing facilities, drug money laundering by all of the big banks and the kickbacks to politicians who allow it all to happen. We won't be hearing a word from Congress about Obama and Holder's promise to end the Bush-era attacks on sellers of medicinal marijuana and the patients who use it which turned into nothing but lies.
Holder and cronies make Rod Blagojevich look like an amateur. Few of the top criminals are even investigated much less go to jail. 'Walking' is what those do who are so entrenched in the corrupt system that they are above the law. The 'gunwalking' is minor compared to wall street and war crimes in terms of both lives and theft.
Crime boss, Jon Corzine
Another crime boss, Jon Corzine, also testified before Congress today on the MF Global 'failure.' Not being under indictment he didn't exactly say he would never do it again but did blame it on his his predecessors' bad financial decisions, said that he never intended to break rules requiring to safeguard client funds and that he doesn't know what happened to an estimated $1.2 billion that went missing.
I think his testimony qualifies him to be the next chairman of the Federal Reserve.
There's one guy who will not say "I'll never do it again." That would be the Newt. He will do it again and again, especially when it comes to his subservience to Israel and jewish money.
He's working to free Jonathan Pollard, would relocate the US embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem and promised to reappoint war whore John Bolton to the UN ambassadorship. Newt is falling all over himself to outdo Romney for more of the jewish pot of gold.
As with so many who have sold out and are Israel firsters, Newt has his 9/11 connection. From Michael Collins Piper:
Working for Israel: Newt Gingrich
Gingrich has an unusual connection to Larry Silverstein, a controversial figure whose name has been in the forefront of the circumstances surrounding the cover-up of 9-11.
While in Congress, Gingrich benefited from the lucrative Israeli-connected activities of his then-second wife, Marianne, who was on the payroll of the Israel Export Development Company (IEDCO), which promoted the importation into the United States of Israeli products—even as Gingrich was using his influence as a member of Congress to advance U.S.-Israeli trade.
The aforementioned IEDCO was an operation run by mob-connected Silverstein, the billionaire owner of the World Trade Center towers at the time of the 9-11 tragedy.
IEDCO’s Silverstein once even admitted to The Wall Street Journal that Gingrich was one of a number of members of Congress who was lobbied to support Silverstein’s company’s proposals—when his wife was on Silverstein’s payroll. More. {Marianne Gingrich Denies Israel Job Is a "Political Payoff" 1995}
Please ... someone reassure me that the primaries won't be rigged to give Gingrich the nomination, that Corzine won't walk free to steal again and that Holder and Obama and Congress will be held in check and not allowed to sabotage what's left of this country.
I know, you can't. The whole political system is a crime scene and for lack of a better answer ... it's our fault.
Article published here: http://kennysideshow.blogspot.com/2011/12/ill-never-do-it-again.html
URL: http://www.a-w-i-p.com/index.php/2011/12/13/i-ll-never-do-it-again /http://www.americanfreepress.net/html/9-11_links_newt_262.htmlll never do it again.