UK public pay for a highly censored BBC?
I have always had so much respect for the BBC until the day that they censored me during their programme called “Question time” when it came to the City of Derby.
I was selected to be in the audience and placed myself on the front row in full view of the cameras so that I could get my point across concerning massive fraud that was being carried out within the UK.
Included in this show was discussion on Libya and so I was well and truly fired up to launch my comments on this topic. But sadly it was not to be!
David Dimbleby the compare of the show gave everyone a pre show brief and explained that after the initial warm up everything that was discussed would be televised but that was far from the truth.
The first question of the evening was in relation to the economic downturn and so David selected me to respond to the first question of the evening. Sitting on the panel was a local MP Margaret Beckett to whom I had approached many times on the question of massive fraud involving senior company executives, banking executives and many Tory Party MP´s.
I stated to the panel if they were aware of the current massive fraud that was taking place in this country involving the above and in particular politicians. David Dimbleby was clearly taken back by my comment and put his fingers up to his ear piece, it was obvious he was receiving some instruction from the TV control room.
The show was then basically stopped for a short duration whilst they moved onto the second question of the evening which was in relation to Libya. Again, throughout this time I held my hand up to participate in the debate but to no avail.
I later viewed the programme only to find that not only had the entire first segment been cut from the programme but also that it had been doctored to start at the second question of the evening regarding the current situation in Libya. David Dimbleby announced the start of the show with the first question being about Libya, which was a total lie and cover-up!