Israeli-Style Ceasefires + Israel's Latest Ritual Slaughter
A Palestinian fireman extinguishes a fire at a building after
an Israeli air strike on Gaza City. (M. Abed/AFP/Getty)
International laws are clear and unequivocal. Fourth Geneva's Article 146 requires "the High Contracting Parties undertake to respect and to ensure respect for the present Convention in all circumstances."
They're required to prosecute offenders committing grave breaches, including crimes of war and against humanity. Israel and America get off scot-free. Their lawlessness continues unabated and unpunished.
Both countries spurn international laws, norms and obligations with impunity. Ceasefires also aren't observed.
Four days of Israeli terror bombing left at least 25 Palestinian dead and dozens injured, some seriously. Civilian men, women and children were affected.
After an Egyptian brokered truce all Gazan sides accepted, Israel preemptively attacked a funeral procession east of Gaza City. Three Palestinians were injured. On March 14, Israeli warplanes bombed northern Gaza. Damage but no injuries were reported.
In response, Islamic Jihad held a Monday press conference, saying:
"We will not agree on a (one-sided) ceasefire stipulated by Israel. Neither do we accept (one) while the lives of our people are taken without restraint."
"Those who have hardly had time to breathe while they seek a ceasefire deal should send their message to the enemy, rather than to the resistance."
Both sides are obligated to observe agreed on ceasefires. Unilateral acceptance doesn't work. Palestinians tried numerous times futilely. Israeli killing continues unabated. It still does plus ongoing crimes against humanity throughout the Territories.
Once again, Israeli authorities proved their mettle. They say one thing and do another. Decades of occupation showed negotiating with vipers don't work. In Occupied Palestine, they're lawless, racist, vicious, and ruthless.
Hamas spokesman Abu Ahmad responded to Israel's latest breach, saying:
"There cannot be a unilateral ceasefire while our people’s blood is being shed. It is natural that resistance factions respond to the Israeli aggression, and factions completely coordinate their action and through this coordination they can decide whether to agree on ceasefire or not."
Palestinian Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) expressed similar sentiments. PRC spokesman Abu Mujahid urged all Palestinian factions to confront Israel's aggression. It's their right and obligation under international law.
Despite accepting ceasefire terms, Haaretz headlined "Top official: Israel gave no guarantees in exchange for Gaza truce," saying:
General Amos Gilad "said the understandings were not spelled out in a signed document, and the only Israeli commitment was that if the Palestinian organizations refrained from launching attacks on Israel, the IDF would also hold its fire."
He also said "(t)here were no guarantees and no other promises." In other words, Israel reserves the right to say one thing and do another. Spurious justifications are given. Major media scoundrels regurgitate them, even Haaretz at times shamefully.
Palestinians don't attack preemptively. They respond defensively to Israeli aggression. It's their right under international law.
In contrast, Israel needs confrontation to maintain siege, claim national security risks, heighten fear, and label Palestinian resisters terrorists. Netanyahu's latest outburst shows Palestinians what they face. Addressing Likud party faithful, he said:
Israel "is directing strong blows against" terrorists "in Gaza. Whatever affects our citizens, we will" confront aggressively. "In addition to strength and immunity of citizens in the southern region," we'll strike "terrorism in an accurate and painful way. The military also is fully prepared to expand its operations in time of need."
In other words, Israeli forces will continue attacking Palestinians regardless of so-called agreements.
Al Haq on Israel's Latest Ritual Slaughter
Since 1979, Al Haq defended human rights in Palestine. On March 13, it responded to Israel's latest aggression headlining, "Civilians continue to pay the price in the Gaza Strip," saying:
Israeli military operations always disproportionately affect civilians. Residential neighborhoods are attacked. Innocent men, women and children die. Many others suffer grievous injuries, some life-threatening, others disabling.
"While a truce has allegedly been reached (this time), it should be borne in mind that, given the impunity enjoyed by Israel in the face of violations committed against civilians, there is no deterrent and as such no guarantee that any such truce will be honoured."
"The lack of implementation of the recommendations of the UN Fact-Finding Mission Report on the Gaza Conflict has resulted in the de facto sanctioning of Israel’s (continued) disproportionate use of force in (Gaza) by the international community."
"Palestinian victims of ‘Operation Cast Lead’, who have yet to receive redress, fear that there is nothing to prevent the crimes of ‘Cast Lead’ from being committed again."
Whether large or smaller scale, Israeli aggression constitutes crimes of war and against humanity. They continue unabated. Since 1967, thousands of Palestinians died, countless others injured. Children lose parents. Wives lose husbands, husbands their spouses. Friends and family members die. Children are traumatized. Many are permanently scared.
Obligations Under International Law
"High Contracting Parties" legitimate slaughter by not acting resolutely against it. Fourth Geneva obligates them. Failure to act makes them culpable. Common Article 1 to the four Geneva Conventions states:
"The High Contracting Parties undertake to respect and to ensure respect for the present Convention in all circumstances."
Under Article 1(4) of the Additional Protocol I, protection must be guaranteed for peoples "fighting against colonial domination and alien occupation and against racist regimes in the exercise of their right of self-determination, as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations."
International law requires respect and ensuring respect for humanitarian principles. As such, it constitutes a universal obligation for all High Contracting Parties, free from political considerations.
Victims must be protected, aggressors punished. Palestinians have waited 64 years for justice, 45 under occupation. Their liberating struggle continues.
They won't ever accept less, nor should they. It's their fundamental right no rogue state can deny them forever, and won't!
A Final Comment
On March 13, a joint Addameer/Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHR-I) statement addressed Hana Shalabi's deteriorating health. On March 14, hunger strike day 28 began. She's ingested nothing but water, now with some salt.
In addition, she refuses Israeli Prison Service (IPS) medical exams for good reason. It's worthless and potentially harmful. She'll accept it only from independent PHR-I physicians.
IPS at first refused. On March 7, a District Court ruling for PHR-I overruled prison authorities. On March 8, one of its doctors visited Shalabi. On March 12, a follow-up examination was held.
On March 8, she showed noticeable "muscle atrophy and wasting." It occurs when fat reserves are exhausted. Usually, the heart muscle's affected, other organs as well.
Shalabi exhibits weakness, dizziness, and periodic loss of consciousness. PHR-I's doctor expressed concern for physical damage already caused. On March 12, additional deterioration was observed.
It's "mainly in advanced muscle atrophy and wasting, additional weight loss, a significant reduction in blood sugar, severe dizziness and severe muscle pain, especially in her chest and back."
The doctor added:
"One cannot predict the body's response to long-term fasting. Many scenarios are possible. Among the dangers are acute heart failure, liver failure, muscle breakdown accompanied by multisystem failure, and acute life-endangering infection due to a weakened immune system.”
Nonetheless, Shalabi remains resolute. She's protesting against wrongful arrest, brutal treatment, and violation of her fundamental rights. She won't stop until freed.
Khader Adnan stood firm the same way. He hunger struck 66 day before prison authorities agreed to release him on April 17. Again ingesting food, he's struggling to recover, underwent emergency surgery, and remains affected by his long ordeal.
Note: The IPS Ethics Committee is considering whether to force-feed Shalabi. PHR-I, Addameer, and the World Medical Association call it cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment under provisions of the UN Torture Convention.
PHR-I, Addameer, and other human rights groups called on international community leaders to intervene on her behalf. Uncharged, she's lawlessly detained indefinitely. Her health's deteriorating. She's determined to live free or die.
"High Contracting Parties" are obligated to help her. It's long past time they supported right over wrong. Palestinians have waited decades for justice. It's high time they got it.
Israel's Latest Ritual Slaughter
Stephen Lendman
March 14, 2012
Four days of Israeli terror bombing left at least 25 Palestinians dead and dozens injured, some seriously. Human rights groups expressed outrage. So did Arab League states, Iran, Turkey, and Malaysia.
Israel's UN envoy Ron Prosor wants the Security Council to condemn Palestinian victims. Like Netanyahu and other Israeli officials, his audacity gives chutzpah new meaning.
On March 12, Egypt's lower parliamentary house unanimously approved a text declaring Israel Egypt's number one enemy. It called for expelling its ambassador, halting gas exports at below market prices, and reevaluating its 1978 peace treaty. It followed the 1978 Camp David Accords.
Its text said:
"Revolutionary Egypt will never be a friend, partner or ally of the Zionist entity, which we consider to be the number one enemy of Egypt and the Arab nation."
"It will deal with that entity as an enemy, and the Egyptian government is hereby called upon to review all its relations and accords with that enemy."
No Israeli comment followed.
Four days of Israeli terror bombings were unprovoked. Assassinating Popular Resistance Committees (PRC) head Zuhir al-Qaisi and PRC member Mahmoud Hanani began them. Both men died when two IDF missiles struck their car.
Gazan resistance groups launched Grad missiles, home-made rockets, and mortar shells defensively in response. Israel and Washington pointed fingers the wrong way. Absolving Israeli crimes takes precedence.
Naked aggression's called self-defense. Resistance freedom fighting's called terrorism. Facts on the ground are inverted. Whatever Israel does it right. Legitimate Palestinian responses aren't tolerated. Victims get no rights.
Israel's bloodstained history reflects decades of ritual slaughter and targeted killings. The latest incident shows what Palestinians endure regularly, including from media scoundrels ignoring their suffering and denouncing them.
Usually, Haaretz produces responsible journalism. Not on March 13. An editorial headlined, "War in Israel's south will not defeat Gaza terror," asking:
Was killing al-Qaisi worth "disruption....economic damage, (and) danger of plunging into a military ground operation in Gaza?"
Unasked was how targeted killings are ever justifiable. Haaretz approves against alleged "ticking bomb(s)." By whose standard when no evidence linked al-Qaisi to past or claimed planned attacks. Saying so isn't proof. Israel never supplies it. Why is clear. There's none, but Haaretz didn't explain or denounce premeditated murder.
Instead, it sided with southern Israelis living under threat of Gazan rockets. They're used defensively in response to Israeli attacks. International law permits it.
"The war in the south must end immediately. It will not defeat terror nor reduce the Gaza threat." Nor will Cast Lead II. Sensibly the editorial ended saying negotiations, not violence, produces solutions.
But how can Palestinians negotiate in good faith without a willing partner! For decades, Israel chose violence, not peace or honest diplomacy. Relations with Netanyahu's like dealing with a snake. It's futile, toxic and dangerous. He proves it by committing cold-blooded murder, claiming self-defense.
A same day Haaretz article was just as shameless, headlined, "TIMELINE/A breakdown of number of Gaza rockets fired at Israel over past year."
Enumerating numbers fired by month from January 2011 through the latest March confrontation, it listed 200 this month alone. Gazans were blamed, not IDF belligerents. Unexplained was that Palestinians respond defensively to Israeli aggression.
Instead, the blame game shamelessly named victims. It also ignored their decades long liberation struggle against lawless, repressive occupation, and for Gazans years of suffocating siege.
Moreover, as Btselem documents, Palestinian rockets killed only 19 Israeli civilians from June 2004 through September 2011. In contrast, from September 29, 2000 through December 26, 2008, Israeli forces killed 4,788 Palestinians. Israeli settlers killed 45 more.
Cast Lead killed over 1,400 Gazans in three weeks, mostly civilians. Only five IDF soldiers died in the conflict, no civilians. Since Cast Lead ended in January 2009, Israeli forces killed another 300 Palestinians. Settlers killed five more. Palestinians killed 15 Israelis.
PressTV/Occupied Palestine | فلسطين said Israeli drone attacks killed 825 Palestinians, mostly civilians, from June 2006 through October 2011. PCHR deputy director Hamdi Shaqqura said:
“For us, drones mean death....When you hear drones, you hear death,” and know it’s coming.
Haaretz omitted this balance sheet from its equation.
Notably, hundreds of Israelis die annually from traffic related accidents. In 2008, it was nearly 450, in 2011, almost 400. Deaths at the hands of Palestinians pale by comparison.
Haaretz's article was cruel and deceptive. It distorted facts in portraying an entirely one-sided picture. Gazans are wrongfully called terrorists. They're human beings suffering horrifically from lawless Israeli oppression. It's not typical Haaretz style. For US major media scoundrels, it's de rigueur.
Hopefully today's report and opinion prove aberrant. Hopefully those producing them learn from their mistakes. Haaretz features wonderful writers like Gideon Levy and Amira Hass. They consistently offer responsible journalism. America's major print media have none like them. If any tried, they'd be fired. Only scoundrels need apply.
It shows up daily in reports like The New York Times headlining, "As Rockets Fly, New Conditions Shape Fight in Gaza," saying:
Ahead of an Egyptian-brokered truce, Israeli airstrikes continue and Palestinian "militants' rockets (are reaching farther into Israel." IDF head Gen. Benny Gantz was cited, saying Palestinian violence will require another Cast Lead type operation. Israeli finance minister Yuval Steinitz said eventually Israel will have to do a "root canal."
In other words, victims, not perpetrators, deserve blame. Times writers play the same game. Right and wrong are reversed. Aggression's called self-defense. Legitimate responses are terrorism. Israel's point of view alone matters. It's typical Times journalism, betraying their readers through lies, deception, and willful misreporting.
The same article falsely suggested Iran's an existential threat. Serial liars don't quit. It's habit forming. Too many people believe it. It lets Israel and America get away with murder.
Complicit media scoundrels facilitate it. So does scurrilous UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon. He condemned Palestinian self-defense as "unacceptable," while urging Israel to "exercise maximum restraint."
Hillary Clinton expressed Washington's official response, "condemn(ing) Gazan victims "in the strongest terms" while urging "all make every effort to restore calm."
In other words, killing Palestinians is OK. Responding to premeditated aggression defensively is terrorism. Views like that secure scurrilous reprobates like her and Ban top jobs. Denouncing Israeli lawlessness assures rebukes.
America and Israel have "shared values." None support right over wrong. One wonders what's next.
A Final Comment
After an agreed truce, Israeli forces attacked a funeral procession east of Gaza City. Three Palestinians were injured. Medical spokesman Adham Abu Salmiyah said soldiers fired indiscriminately at mourners. Wounded victims were taken to al-Shifa Hospital.
An Israeli army spokeswoman said soldiers "operating along the security fence identified around 50 Palestinians gathered and in accordance with army procedures fired warning shots."
Some warning! Soldiers fired directly at nonviolent Palestinians threatening no one. It's "in accordance with army procedures!"
Stephen Lendman: I was born in 1934 in Boston, MA. Raised in a modest middle class family, attended public schools, received a BA from Harvard University in 1956 and an MBA from the Wharton School at the University of PA in 1960 following 2 years of obligatory military service in the US Army. Spent the next 6 years as a marketing research analyst for several large US corporations before becoming part of a new small family business in 1967, remaining there until retiring at the end of 1999. Have since devoted my time and efforts to the progressive causes and organizations I support, all involved in working for a more humane and just world for all people everywhere, but especially for the most needy, disadvantaged and oppressed. My efforts since summer 2005 have included writing on a broad range of vital topics ranging from war and peace; social, economic and political equity for all; and justice for all the oppressed peoples of the world like the long-suffering people of Haiti and the Palestinians. Also co-hosting The Global Research News Hour, occasional public talks, and frequent appearances on radio and at times television. I also am a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. I live in Chicago and can be reached at Also visit my blog site and listen to The Lendman News Hour on Monday - Friday at 10AM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on world and national issues. All programs are archived for easy listening. My new book "How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War" can be ordered HERE.