Let's Have Another War
Make no mistake. America is directly or indirectly responsible for most world conflicts. Across North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia, it plays the lead role.
Afghanistan has been occupied for nearly 11 years. US air and ground attacks murder civilians daily. Pre-2003 Iraq no longer exists. America destroyed the cradle of civilization. It's complicit in daily Israeli state terror against Palestinian civilians. It ravaged and murdered tens of thousands of Libyans. It's using death squad invaders against Syrians. Civilian men, women and children are prime targets. Everyone supporting peace and stability is vulnerable.
It's not enough. Plans call for full-scale war. Washington fights dirty. Scorched earth belligerence is policy. Target states aren't just attacked. They're willfully, maliciously, and lawlessly destroyed. People are massacred in cold blood. Propagandists call it humanitarian intervention. War is peace. Orwell warned us long ago. Only imperial dominance matters. Hegemons accept nothing less. Human lives are of no consequence. It's been that way since America's beginning. It's ongoing today with WMD ease.
Plans were readied months ago for ground and air attacks on Syria. Proxy war is prelude to full-scale conflict. Libya 2.0 looms. Media propaganda plays the lead role. Public opinion is being massaged, softened, and manipulated to accept more bloodshed. It never ends. One war segues to another. After Syria comes Iran. How many more millions will die? How much more human suffering is enough? How much are media scoundrels paid to support what they should condemn?
People have a right to know. They pay for it multiple ways. Their tax dollars go for killing and mass destruction, not vital domestic services. They're increasingly on their own to fund America's war machine. Police state harshness targets dissenters. Bipartisan complicity threw them under the bus long ago. Imagine what's coming post-election. Both parties are committed to endless wars without mercy. Revolutionary resistance is the only way to stop them. Hardly a sign of it exists.
Drumbeat warmongering drowns out activists needing much greater support to matter. Western media managed news misreports on nations Washington targets. Their hands are as blood drenched as imperial planners. They're virtual subcontractors. They're complicit in mass murder and destruction. They risk letting the entire Middle East explode. They ignore fundamental international law principles. They support foreign wars and ones at home against freedom. They're for wealth and power interests only. Destroying Syria and Iran get top billing.