A comment by Nahida Izzat on ICH
Nahida Izzat
Poetry for Palestine
RE: The Return of Ali Abu-Fighter - Ali Abunimah, the Chicago-based, American-Palestinian activist, is, once again, on the attack. In the last few months he has launched campaigns against some of the most prominent pro-Palestinian figures such as Prof. Finkelstein, Prof. Chomsky, Greta Berlin, Col. Ann Wright and myself. But now he seems to stepping one gear up. - Gilad Atzmon
Through many years of work with Palestine solidarity, I came to realize that the movement is heavily infiltrated by Jewish (Zionist and anti-Zionist) activists[*], thus affecting at core level the path, aims and strategy of the movement. They also have managed to influence many in the movement including some Palestinian "intellectuals".
Through this infiltration they were able to obliterate the concept of LIBERATION and remove it completely from the vocabulary.
Some other consequences of allowing such element at the heart of solidarity is their STEERING the movement towards a favourable position when dealing with "israeli"-Jews.
They aim to block intellectual discussion, suppress Academic Freedom, obstruct rational and scholarly debate, filter vital information and smother serious research that examines four main identifiable problems:
1) The problem of the ideology of Jewish supremacism (by accusation of anti-Semitism)
2) The problem of global Jewish-Zionist networking and lobbying. (by accusation of anti-Semitism)
3) The problem of idolizing the Holocaust (which is used as a tool to further Zionists aims) (by accusation of Holocaust denial)
4) The problem of manipulating world policies through False-Flag operations. (by accusation of being a conspiracy theorist)
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With the exclusion of discussions about such serious and relevant issues mentioned in my previous post, by preventing activists from scrutinizing these problems though smear and intimidation, by framing the debate, and limiting political discussions to a mere criticism of some "israeli" policies, the Solidarity Movement is lead to a closed road where no just solution can be found. Thus the Movement is rendered paralyzed and totally ineffective.
By preventing activists from understanding the motivator and animator of the Jewish-Zionist occupiers' sadistic behaviour (i.e the concept of "choseness", a racist ideology of racism and supremacy), by actively attempting to "normalize" a militaristic supremacist society by creating a false image, by lying to Palestinians and the world and pretending that "It is possible to achieve equality with such supremacists", the Solidarity Movement is denied the right to use such information to galvanize public opinion which is generally vehemently and overwhelmingly opposed to racism and supremacy.
By preventing the activists from understanding the methods used to influence world policies and public opinion (by focusing the work of the global Jewish-Zionist Networks and on Mossad's international False-Flag ops), the Solidarity Movement (willingly or unwillingly) ends up protecting these networks and deflecting away from their criminal activities.
By preventing activists from understanding the way the Holocaust is used as a justification to the theft of Palestine, the ongoing ethnic cleansing of its indigenous people and the permanent usurpation of Historic Palestine, the Solidarity Movement acts as "enemy" against Palestinians' interest, forcing Palestinians to accept a submissive and humiliating "solution" which erodes their inherent humanity and human rights.
— Would any decent human being force a child to live with his paedophile abuser?
— Would any decent human being accuse that child of "immorality" or call him/ her "unrealistic" for refusing to tie their future with their abusers?
[*] word added by Gilad Atzmon
Nahida's Blog: Poetry for Palestine
Comment published here: Gilad Atzmon's Blog
URL: http://www.a-w-i-p.com/index.php/2012/11/10/a-comment-by-nahida-izzat