Drone Wars

Stephen Lendman

Perhaps one day they'll arrive over a neighborhood near you. Drones are becoming America's weapon of choice. Domestically so far, they're used only for eyes in the sky spying. Big Brother wants to watch everyone all the time. Don't bet against eyes not being weaponized one day to punish as well as spy. That's how rogue states operate.

America is by far the worst and most dangerous. Waging war on humanity is policy. Imagine living in a country run by officials who think war is good. The more the better. Permanent ones. Wage them while pretending it's done for peace. Few question why America is always at war somewhere. Scant attention is paid to the trillions of dollars spent at the expense of vital domestic needs gone begging.

Militarism is prioritized. Budgets are virtually open-ended. America's duopoly assures it. Imagine policy makers deciding on which country they'll ravage next. It makes no difference whether Obama or Romney takes charge. Both major parties are in lockstep on all issues mattering most. Corporate empowerment, serving America's 1%, cracking down on resisters, and imperial dominance top their list. Hell hath no fury like an out-of-control hegemon. If analyzed on a couch, it would be called sociopathic or worse.

A Washington Post Special Report discussed America's permanent war agenda. A previous article discussed Obama's Disposition Matrix. It called it elevating Murder, Inc. to a higher level. Anyone can be targeted anywhere in the world for any reason or none at all. Obama has final kill list authority. John Brennan is his counterterrorism maestro of murder. His "playbook" makes up rules as he writes them. He designates kill targets. He calls it a strategy to persist 'till the end of time.

Romney-Ryan: a return to neo-con war rule

Wayne Madsen

A match made in hell: Mormonism and Zionism

A Mitt Romney-Paul Ryan administration would bring back to American foreign and domestic policy all the worst elements of the Bush administration, along with a greater degree of militarism, home-grown fascism, and a greater likelihood of war with such countries as Iran, Syria, Venezuela, North Korea, China, and Russia.

In fact, the most alarming aspect of a Romney administration would be the appointment of members of the Mormon Latter Day Saints Church, a sect that is not considered Christian by most traditional Christian denominations, to senior government positions.

Mormons believe in the imminent apocalypse and would have no problem pushing the world to the edge of nuclear annihilation as a fulfillment of their prophecies of a band of 19th-century con-men who convinced their followers that Jesus ministered in North America and that the Garden of Eden was located in what is now the state of Missouri.

The founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, believed that one day the United States would become a theocratic nation run by the Mormon Church. Romney, a former Mormon missionary and bishop of the sect, has referred to Smith’s prophecy as “not official church doctrine,” but he has refused to condemn it outright.

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