CIA: Cancer Experiments with Presidents of Latin America
Fernando Lugo (Paraguay), (Former President) Lula da Silva (Brasil), Hugo Chávez
(Venezuela), (Current) Dilma Rousseff (Brasil) and C. Fernández de Kirchner (Arg.)
In a series of his public speeches Hugo Chávez called an “epidemic” of cancer among Latin American presidents a strange and alarming phenomenon. This hard to cure desease was identified in case of Chávez himself, Paraguayan president Fernando Lugo, Dilma Rouseff and Lula da Silva (Brazil), Crisitina Fernández (Argentina). Al of them are known as left of the center politicians struggling to expedite Latin America’s integration process and to get rid of the US dominance in the Western Hemisphere. Chávez let drop words about empires that go to any length to achieve their goals.
The Washington’s response didn’t keep waiting. Victoria Nuland, US State Department official spokesperson, said the Chávez’ words were “horrific and reprehensible.” That is they were perceived by the Obama administration as imputation of using special biological technologies to cause cancer among Latin American leaders not friendly towards the USA.
Of course, Hugo Chávez was not that rude. He understood Washington would demand evidence. So the president explained his position saying he never blamed anyone but rather used freedom of thought facing a strange string of events that were hard to explain. The anxiety is well understood, to overcome the decease he had to go through harassing session of chemotherapy in Cuba. And the anxiety is here to stay. How did the desease appear? What made a malignant tumor hit a healthy man, a retired serviceman, former baseball player, regular gym goer and race runner? Why only the populist politicians got into the trouble that never occurred with the right wing presidents who stay in favor with the Empire?
Doctor Salomon Yakubowicz, a popular Venezuelan diet specialist and a frequent US embassy visitor, rushed to close the issue. He said in an authoritative way, no CIA prepared notes used, that it was the presidents themselves who brought the trouble upon them. Say Lula da Silva smoked too much. Christina Fernández abused procedures of face and neck rejuvenation. The Paraguayan Lugo didn’t use protection in numerous cases of sexual intercourse and lymphoma was a common thing in such cases, thanks God it was not AIDS. Chávez was to blame himself for not living in harmony with biorhythms, working at nights, eating wrong – that’s what his the unhealthy nature of the fullness testifies. The opposition circles and pro US media picked up the tune: Chávez and his populist friends are subject to stresses, fear of the future and suffer persecution mania seeing the “Empire’s conspiracies” all around.
Still the Chávez epidemic explanation was taken seriously. Political scholars had no doubt the US special services were conducting a wide scale operation to neutralize the “leading Latin American rebels”. They studied the history of how the Pentagon and the CIA used radioactive substances, biological and chemical weapons on the continent and remembered monstrous facts of using human beings as guinea pigs, the facts the Western mass media keeps silent about.
There is a small chance the in-depth history of the US biological weapons program will ever see light. The major part of archives is classified, the most discreditable files are progressively liquidated and the scholars, who intended to make the truth about the criminal experiments public, perished under undisclosed circumstances.
It was in 1947 the CIA was caught red handed conducting such experiments that is immediately after the very agency was established. The FBI and CIA operatives “protected” the US doctors in Guatemala City, that studied syphilis and gonorrhoea making 2000 of the Guatemalans infected. No consent to experiment was ever asked.
Guatemala president Álvaro Colom called the experiments a crime against humanity. Barack Obama had to apologize in a phone conversation with the Guatemala counterpart. He said the experiments were in contradiction with the US values. What contradiction! The experiments and the values go in line.
By the way it was in the very same 1947 the CIA launched the program of LSD (diethylamide of lysergic acid) “human material” tests. Later the US military intelligence picked the program up and used it its results “on the field” in the Far east and West Europe.
In 1953 the CIA launched the project MK ULTRA. It studied the ways to influence” human behavior and way of thinking with the help of drugs and microorganisms. The “studies” CIA and military laboratories archive did included the dispersion of pathogenic bacteria in the New York subway. As we see the experimentators didn’t spare their own compatriots. That’s the way the purposeful contagion of 240 provincial towns and living quarters of the poor in Washington, San Francisko and Minnesota was done. There were experiments conducted in the tropics, in Panama City for instance. In 1970 the CIA and the Pentagon launched a super secret ethnic (genome) weapons test program that has been implementing ever since. A strategic mission was assigned to the scientists to achieve mass redundant population reduction in the potentially hostile counties. China, Iran, India and Pakistan are targeted by US geneticists who long ago exceeded the “accomplishments” of Nazi doctor Mengele.
In the Western Hemisphere it was Cuba that suffered most from the biological made in the USA weapon. No less than 300 thousand Cubans suffered from Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever. 150 men, 50 children among them, were reported dead. The Georgia and Florida laboratories “grown” mosquitoes were taken to the island different ways. The Soviet military personnel staying in Cuba was also an object of the Dengue and other deceases attacks.
Guatemalan writer Persi Francisco Alvarado, who has worked 20 years for Cuban intelligence in the USA, published an article about implantation of cancer used as a weapon by CIA in the Rebellion portal. He adduced concrete evidence there were dozens of biological warfare laboratories on the US soil. Fort Detrick - a department of virology is a place of especially sinister glory.
The Venezuelan political scholars often comment the potential use of experimental portable directional radiation electromagnetic weapon system by the US special services. It’s possible the weapon is already operational for selective attacks against “out of favor politicians”. A victim doesn’t die immediately but after some time – a positive characteristic that allows to escape leaving no traces.
A question comes up – what makes the US top rulers sanction the CIA activities aimed at “neutralization” (I use exactly this term) of presidents – populists?
It can be assumed with great credibility the crushing defeat at the IV America’s summit (November 2005), when the US team tried to impose free trade agreement (ALCA) on the Western Hemisphere, contributed to this kind of decision. At the opening ceremony the host then Argentina’s president Nestor Kirchner said the integration could become a reality only in case appropriate measures to do away with development disproportions were in place. Otherwise “free market” would weaken Latin America further and make its external debt grow. Addressing Bush he said the US imposed policy aggravated poverty on the continent and also led to instability and downfall of democratically elected governments. Kirchner called upon the participants to search for a new strategy of regional development that would meet the interest of the Latin Americans. Soon a new model for integration – the Union of South American Nations – UNASUR came into being. During the years of its existence the Union has allowed no CIA backed coup d’ états to take place, neither in Bolivia nor Ecuador, for instance. It encouraged a dialogue between conflicting neighbors and facilitated democracy restoration in Honduras etc.
Thanks to Chávez and Castro brothers the ALBA (Bolivarian Alternative for Latin America) integration alliance, created in 2004, got powerful impetus. It was established as a counterweight to the ALCA based on the principles of anti imperialist ideology guaranteeing energy security to the participants. The Petocaribe (June 2005) became a successful endeavor by Chávez. The alliance provides for preferential hydrocarbon supplies by Venezuela to the Caribbean and Central America’s states. It put an end to the abuse committed by transnational oil companies.
One more momentous event. There was a forum in Caracas at the beginning of December 2011. As a result the creation of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) was announced. The new alliance comprises 33 members of the Western Hemisphere, excluding the USA and Canada.
Chávez and his friends see the new bloc as a necessary counterweight to the US dictatorship in the OAS. The next decade CELAC will become the most influential force in the Western Hemisphere. The OAS will have to renounce its permanent submission to the USA to preserve its position in the region.
Of course Washington will not reconcile with the Latin America getting more independent ignoring the dictators peremptory shouts and threats to use force. The first attempt to get rid of “hostile presidents” failed. Rafael Correa stood firm in the hard times of coup d’ état attempt in Ecuador. The CIA trained snipers bullets missed. Hugo Chávez defeated cancer and is confidently gaining points before the October 2012 election. Cristina Fernández consulted the doctors in time and the critical development of the decease was prevented. Though the danger is still there. The United States plunges into the most deep crisis in its history. The elites stand off gets more acute. They have no mercy for their protesting compatriots and the more will not be over-nice with “strangers”.
P.S. It was recently reported ex president of Colombia Álvaro Uribe was identified to have keratosis, an initial phase of skin cancer. Looks like everyone who found it suspicious that cancer hit only left of center politicians should keep their mouths shut. Uribe is so right wing, it’s hard to imagine anybody to be more to the right. Is it that he became a CIA target too? Probably. It’s an ordinary “cover operation” where this time Uribe, who is fully dependent on Washington, is an actor. There could be another interpretation. The ex president knows too much about the CIA and Pentagon’s activities, the financial abuse while implementing the “Plan Colombia”. That’s why it was decided to kill him. Is it worth to have pity for the Mafiosi N82 of the State Department’s list?
Article published here: Strategic Culture Foundation. Photo: