Can We Stop This?
Something needs to be done. Is it too late?
The crisis in Syria could possibly become totally out of control if the US takes direct interventionist measures. We can only imagine the chaos that could arise. What will Russia do?
The Sunday talking head warmongers have been doing their best to please their masters by interviewing every crazed psychopath they can get to come on their lie machine. My own senator, the inhuman Bob Corker, is calling for action now.
Assad is allowing UN inspectors to go to the site of the false flag chemical attack but an unnamed US official says 'it's too late baby now it's too late,' Syria's credibility is shot and there was little doubt the government was to blame. Obama and Cameron have been plotting. They want Iran too and are a danger to the world.
So is there anything we the people can do? We have not stopped the push to war at all for the last hundred years. At the best it has only been slowed down a bit. The 'seven countries in five years,' the Oded Yinon plan and 'A Clean Break' are behind schedule. The PNAC manifesto is still a work in progress.
The anti-war left is dead. There will be little protesting in the streets but for what it may be worth there needs to be although a few 'domestic terrorist' events may be necessary to to put an end to any peacenik endeavors.
The neocons, bankers and Israeli vampires are baring their blood stained fangs. Israel wants the fall of Hezbollah so that Lebanon will be any easy take and guess what, they have Al Qaeda on their side. AIPAC is pushing some buttons with more 'oh my god' rhetoric that "Dozens of Holocaust survivors came very close to being struck by one of the four Katyusha rockets fired at Israel from southern Lebanon on Thursday." How come these little bottle rockets always miss? I'll give you one guess. The Sinai is another prize the Israelis want and a big distraction would come in handy.
Are the christian zionist end-timers having an orgasm right about now? That's a sick thought but we are dealing with sickness here. Praise the Lord and pass the nuclear weapons.
It is all lies all the time and there are no pretty words to spin what is happening.
Rocker may sum it up...
I just want to be on record before the fact as a human being of planet earth and citizen of the criminal AmeriKan regime that I preemptively condemn the actions that are being telegraphed, and damn to hell for all eternity Obama and his coterie of War Cabinet criminals.
What is amazing to me is the insane psychopaths making policy think that they will be able to carry out a three-month bombing campaign with absolutely no consequences with Russia, China, and Iran.
Of course, WWIII is exactly what they have been working on and this will simply be the last act that will make it official in the official narrative of history. Only one problem. The "good guys" are going to lose this one.
We do want to stop the carnage in the middle east but we also need to admit to ourselves that we have selfish interests in this. If you want inflation/deflation, the destruction of both the middle class and the poor and the downfall of the US, by all means shout from the rooftops to attack Syria now. If you like the thought of World War III, tell your politicians now to get on with the program. But if you cherish your life, those of your family and friends as well as millions of others all over the world, something needs to be done. Is it too late? Maybe cooler heads will prevail and perhaps this Syria thing is a lot of fear-mongering but for all practical purposes it may be out of our hands. Judging by our past failures, it is.
Out of all the species of life on earth, I’m inclined to believe that the most lowly, conniving, and tragically miserable is the human. If you did but take the entire lot of us, put us within the confines of a giant olive press, and applied pressure, I doubt you would squeeze out more than a few drops of truth. Truth is sought or known by only a few, while it cannot be denied there are those who shun truth, still others who are its bitterest most unrelenting enemies. But pante rei, as the Greeks say, all flows. ~ Richard Edmondson
Article published here: Kenny's Sideshow