Climate and Human Civilization over the last 18,000 years
Andy May
This document is meant to explain the accompanying poster and expand on the poster’s content. Some references to the images and data shown in the poster are on the poster and others are in the bibliography. I’ve done my best to verify the accuracy of the content by checking multiple sources. When references had different dates for the same event, I chose the most commonly cited date or the date from the most prestigious sources. I considered dates from articles in Nature, Science, the Encyclopedia Britannica, and Steven Mithen’s book 2 to be the most reliable.
Click here for a full sized print (3000 pixels wide, suitable for printing) or choose the PDF below.
Younger Dryas to Present Time Line (PDF)
The heart of the poster (above) is a time line that shows the significant documented events in human civilization over the last 18,000 years and documented climatic changes over the same period.