Deadlocked Syrian Peace Talks

Stephen Lendman

US-Backed Terorist Shows off Decapitated Head of
Soldier. It makes gruesome viewing.
(Fars News)

So-called Syrian National Coalition (SNC) officials are US stooges. They have no legitimacy whatever. They're self-serving. They represent Western interests. They're mindless of fundamental Syrian rights.

It showed in Geneva II talks. It didn't take long. On Saturday they began face-to-face. On Monday they deadlocked. America bears full responsibility. SNC stooge delegates take orders from Washington. They act accordingly.

On January 28, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) headlined "Coalition delegation of so-called 'opposition' rejects statement by Syrian official delegation which rejects arming terrorist organizations in Syria."

America has been arming extremist hired gun killers throughout three years of conflict. Congress secretly authorized supplying more weapons. It's unclear precisely when. It's believed to be in a classified FY 2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) provision. In December, Obama signed it into law. Doing so shows he wants war. He opposes peace. He demands regime change. He wants Syrians unable to decide their own future. He wants sole right to do it. Hegemons operate this way.

SANA said SNC delegates aren't serious.

They reject "any suggestion for supporting the articles of the Geneva conference." Doing so "thwarts efforts (for) success." They rejected Geneva I's measure to end armed conflict. They oppose peaceful Syrian guidelines and principles. They include a Syrian-led transition. It's for everyone in the country. It "include(s) members of the present government and the opposition." Syrians alone must "determine the future of their country." Outside interference is excluded. Syria's delegation "knows full well that the US armed and still arms terrorists in Syria..."

Doing so shows Washington's real intentions. Peaceful conflict resolution is verboten. It's been this way throughout three years of fighting. It's no different now.

Syria's official delegation issued the following "Statement from Geneva meeting," saying:

At the time when Geneva 2 was convened in response to the Russian - American initiative, which was based on Geneva 1, which stresses in its first item the need to stop violence and terrorism, the world is surprised to find one of the initiators of this conference, namely, the United States of America, and in a step that moves in the opposite direction to all political efforts exerted, and in contradiction to Geneva 1 in letter and spirit, the United States has made the decision to resume arming terrorist groups in Syria. Such a provocative decision is a flagrant violation of SC Resolution 1373 (as cited as terrorists on the list of security council for individuals and entities sponsoring terrorism, such as ISIL, Al Nusra and the Islamic Front).

The timing of this decision is truly surprising as it reflects negatively on the Geneva 2 conference. This decision can only be understood as a direct attempt to obstruct any political solution in Syria through dialogue, and is in complete contradiction with the commitments of the United States according to Para 1 of the Geneva communique, on the basis of which Geneva 2 was convened, and under the umbrella of which we are all meeting here.

Those participating in the meeting condemn this American step and call upon the United States and other countries who are providing the terrorists with arms to immediately put an end to this irresponsible behavior which may well undermine the Geneva 2 conference and cause the failure of all the efforts exerted to ensure its success.

On January 27, SANA headlined "Coalition delegation of so-called 'opposition' rejects a political communique containing principles submitted by official Syrian delegation."

It affirms what conforms to fundamental international law. It includes "respecting Syria's sovereignty, restoring its usurped lands, preserving its establishments, and abandoning all forms of extremism, fanaticism and takfiri ideas."
It "rejects all forms of interference or foreign dictation." It lets Syrians alone decide their future.
It "assert(s) that it's not permissible to relinquish any part of Syria."
It "stresses that the Syrian Arab Republic is a democratic country."
Its based on "political pluralism, the rule of law, independence of the judiciary and citizenship, and protecting national unity and cultural diversity of the components of the Syrian society and protecting public freedom, and the Syrians are the ones who have have the right to choose their political system without compromising on any subject unacceptable to the Syrian people from any imposed formulae."
It asks all countries to stop arming and training terrorists. Media incitement must end.

(S)tate establishments" must be preserved. They include "utilities, infrastructure, and public and private properties.

Transitional governance includes its current one. Syrians alone will decide. Not according to SNC's chief negotiator Hadi al Bahra. He called the declaration "outside the framework of Geneva, which centers on creating a transitional governing body (aka regime change)." Geneva I included no demand for Assad to go. Claiming otherwise is false. Discussing it is off the table. It's not part of Geneva II talks.

On January 22, John Kerry dismissed what Geneva I affirmed. "Bashar Assad will not be part of (Syria's) transition government," he asserted. Talks aren't about peace. Kerry wants unconditional surrender. He wants Syrian sovereignty destroyed. He wants US subservient governance replacing it. He wants what Syrians won't tolerate. Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem responded forthrightly, eloquently and persuasively. He denounced efforts to deny Syrians their legitimate rights. SNC delegates aren't in Geneva for peace. They came to obstruct it. They came with demands no sovereign country would accept.

Syria's delegation wants terrorism addressed. Peace depends on ending it. SNC delegates won't discuss it. Assad's political media advisor Bouthina Shaaban asked why SNC delegates rejected legitimate Syrian sovereign demands. "There is nothing to reject," she said. "What are you, Americans?" At the same time, she asked: "How do the Americans want to arm (terrorists and claim) they want a political process?"

John Kerry and SNC delegates profess support for Syrians, she added. They do so while "supporting a decision to bring weapons into Syria to kill its people, and they defend the American decision which constitutes blatant interference in the Syrian people's affairs and sheds their blood." Talk about regime change aims primarily at destroying Syrian sovereignty and its people, she stressed. Opposition forces are damaging or demolishing everything Syrians hold dear. Hospitals, schools, mosques, towns, villages, and Syrian culture are targeted.

SNC spokesman Monzer Akbik claimed Syria's declaration of principles have nothing to do with Geneva talks. "We respect the international community and its resolutions," he said. "If there is a breakdown in the talks, it will not be us." Washington bears full responsibility for deadlock. SNC delegates obey its diktats.

Syria's Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad accused America of trying to wreck talks. "We will not let" that happen, he said. Syria believes "US policy has secret goals." Arming terrorists any time is unacceptable. Doing so during peace talks "is none other than an attempt to undermine the process of political settlement and an encouragement of violence."

During an abbreviated Tuesday morning meeting with UN/Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi, opposition delegates rejected Syria's position. An afternoon session was cancelled. SNC negotiator Ahmed Jakal said:

There is deep resistance by the regime to move the discussions onto the question of a transitional government (aka regime change).

Fars News said while SNC and Syrian government delegates meet in Geneva, US-backed terrorists showed a video of a decapitated Syrian soldier's head. It makes gruesome viewing.

Syrian delegates are right. Ending terrorism is top priority. Peace depends on doing it. Washington's support shows what Syrians face. Weapons flow freely to foreign invader death squads. US and other Western special forces train them. Instruction includes chemical weapons use. So-called moderate opposition elements are inconsequential. Jihadist extremists constitute the main anti-Syrian opposition. State Department spokesman Edgar Vasquez lied saying: "Any notion that we support terrorists is ludicrous." It's key Washington strategy. US direct and proxy wars use them. Claiming otherwise rings hollow.

Nothing so far was accomplished. Both sides vowed not to be the first to end talks. They're open-ended. They can last days or weeks. They'll achieve nothing as long as Washington demands regime change. Syrian delegates represent their people. SNC delegates represent Washington. They do so for their own self-interest. Syrian sovereignty isn't for sale.

On Tuesday, talks were deadlocked. Resuming them won't cut the gordian knot. If deadlock persists going forward, perhaps Obama will invent another pretext for direct US intervention. - Last August's Ghouta chemical weapons attack false flag failed. Deception is longstanding US policy. Numerous manufactured incidents reflect it.

All wars are based on lies. Obama wants Assad ousted. He'll stop at nothing to remove him. Expect sham peace talks to fail. Expect conflict to continue. Expect direct US intervention if other efforts to remove Assad fail. Expect another false flag pretext to initiate it. Expect lots more slaughter and destruction. Perhaps Syria will be entirely ravaged and destroyed. What happens going forward remains to be seen. The entire region's security is up for grabs.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He has devoted his time and efforts to progressive causes and organizations, all involved in working for a more humane and just world for all people everywhere, but especially for the most needy, disadvantaged and oppressed. His efforts since summer 2005 have included writing on a broad range of vital topics ranging from war and peace; social, economic and political equity for all; and justice for all the oppressed peoples of the world like the long-suffering people of Haiti and the Palestinians. He also co-hosts The Global Research News Hour, gives occasional public talks, and appears frequently on radio and at times television. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. Also visit his blog and listen to The Lendman News Hour on Monday - Friday at 10AM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on world and national issues. All programs are archived for easy listening. His new book "How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War" can be ordered HERE. He can be reached at



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