More Kerry Bullying, Bluster and Big Lies
He's no diplomat. He's a world class thug. He mocks legitimacy. He disgraces the office he holds. He represents the worst of America's dark side. He's a serial liar. He's been caught red-handed lying numerous times before. He's at it again.
Big Lies infested his Monday Wall Street Journal interview. Truth was nowhere in sight. More on what he said below.
On April 28, State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the following:
"Today, in response to Russia's continued actions in southern and eastern Ukraine, the United States is implementing additional restrictive measures on defense exports to Russia." "Accordingly, the Department of State is expanding its export restrictions on technologies and services regulated under the US Munitions List (USML)." "Effective immediately, the Department's Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) will deny pending applications for export or re-export of any high technology defense articles or services regulated under the US." "Munitions List to Russia or occupied Crimea that contribute to Russia's military capabilities. In addition, the Department is taking actions to revoke any existing export licenses which meet these conditions." "All other pending applications and existing licenses will receive a case-by-case evaluation to determine their contribution to Russia’s military capabilities." "The United States will continue to adjust its export licensing policies toward Russia, as warranted by Russia’s actions in Ukraine." "We urge Russia to honor the commitments it made in Geneva on April 17 to deescalate the situation in Ukraine."