Irresponsible Syria Bashing

Stephen Lendman

Syria's June 3 presidential election approaches. It's historic. It's the Syrian Arab Republic's first ever free, fair, open presidential process. Twenty-four aspirants registered to compete. Parliamentarians Hassan al-Nouri and Maher Hajjar were approved.

So was Assad. He's overwhelmingly popular. He's expected to win easily. Syrians want no one else leading them. He's especially trusted now. He's defeating foreign invaders. He's doing it responsibly. He's fighting for Syrian freedom. For its independent sovereign rights. He's up to the challenge. He's winning. He's defeating Obama's dirty game. He deserves universal support.

Friends of Syria (London): The 11 countries include America, Britain, Egypt, France, Germany, Italy Jordan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). On May 15, they issued a joint statement. They irresponsibly denounced what deserves support. They shamelessly called Syria's upcoming democratic presidential election "illegitimate."

It'll be free, open and fair. International monitors will observe things. It'll shame what passes for sham London 11 country processes. It's representatives outrageously called what's upcoming "a parody of democracy." Under conflict conditions, turnout is expected to be impressive.

Not according to them. They ludicrously claimed it'll "be devoid of political participation of millions of Syrians." They "call(ed) on the entire international community to reject" what's planned. They "agreed unanimously to take further steps…" They called doing so "a coordinated strategy." They support death squad killers. They lied calling them "moderate opposition" forces. They blamed Assad for their crimes. They want him and Syrian officials prosecuted in the International Criminal Court. More on this below.

They're implementing a so-called Core Group action plan. They stopped short of explaining details. Their strategy prioritizes aggressive war. They want tens of thousands more Syrians killed. They want the entire country ravaged and destroyed. They want its sovereign independence eliminated. They want illegitimate puppet rule replacing it. They want what Syrians overwhelmingly reject.

On May 18, Syria's Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Affairs Minister Faisal Mikdad criticized Western hypocrisy. "Those who conspire against the presidential elections in Syria are conspiring against democracy, political pluralism and the freedom of expression in Syria," he said.

His comments followed John Kerry's Big Lie. Kerry called planned upcoming elections a farce:

A "fraud on democracy," he added. He promised redoubled opposition support, he said: "Our teams are going to come together in very short order now to lay out a specific set of steps that can and will take in order to have a greater impact." He stopped short of discussing military aid. "(E)very possible avenue that is available is going to be pursued," he promised. He lied claiming Assad "is making partnership with terrorist elements, attracting terrorists, and engaging in terrorist activities agains his own people."

He practically ruled out resolving things diplomatically. He did so by turning truth on its head. He disingenuously claimed Assad refuses to negotiate. He's gone all-out to do so responsibly.

So has Russia. Their best efforts were spurned. Washington bears full responsibility. It deplores political solutions. Obama didn't wage war on Syria to quit. He prioritizes war. He abhors peace. He's got lots more death and destruction in mind. He wants greater charnel house conditions than already. Salvador Option strategy was chosen. Rules of engagement include massacres, torture, and other atrocities. No-holds-barred business as usual continues. Civilians are fair game. They're vulnerable. They're targeted. They're murdered in cold blood. Assad is wrongfully blamed for Western-supported death squad crimes.

War without mercy continues. Washington bears full responsibility. Syria is Obama's war of choice. He's got blood on his hands. He's responsible for tens of thousands of deaths. For millions internally and externally displaced. For continued war without mercy. For more of the same planned.

On May 20, Putin and China's Xi Jinping issued a joint statement.

"Russia and China find any attempts at an external forcible interference in Syria impermissible," it said. Both countries "support efforts taken by the Syrian government and the international community for a successful finalizing of the process of destroying the chemical weapons of Syria."

Both leaders support resolving things diplomatically. Syria invited Russia to monitor June's electoral process. Moscow's Central Election Commission confirmed it. Chairman Vladimir Churov said: "We are closely watching the election process in" Middle East countries. He's considering whether to send observers.

Russia's UN envoy Vitaly Churkin said there's "nothing in the Geneva (agreement) that would ban or question such elections." Claiming otherwise is false, he stressed.

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is an unapologetic pro-Western stooge. He's an imperial tool. He lied claiming Syria's presidential election runs counter to Geneva's "letter and spirit." Syria's constitution requires them. They must be held before Assad's tenure expires in July.

Russia's upper house Federation Council Deputy Chairman Ilyas Umakhanov endorsed what's planned. Elections are positive for Syria, he said. Its people alone must choose who'll lead them, he stressed.

On May 21, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported "Syrians more enthusiastic as elections draw near." They represent democracy in action. They're important.

They're "taking place alongside a series of army's victories in the battlefield against terrorist groups," said SANA. "Heartened by the positive atmosphere prompted by the political and military victories, Syrian citizens continue to stage various activities and events to express their happiness over the course their country is walking."

Huge crowds filled Damascus' Al-Hejaz Square. Strong Assad support was expressed. Denigrating Western and regional rhetoric was rejected. Damascus faculty, students and workers voiced support for Assad. They called voting in June's election a national duty. Similar rallies, marches and events took place in other Syrian cities. Support for June's election was expressed. National flags and Assad photos were featured. Syria's army fighting terrorist invaders was endorsed.

France is a virtual US proxy. It drafted a Security Council resolution. It's expected to be voted on Thursday. It's irresponsible. It's one-sidedly anti-Assad. It wrongfully blames him for Western-supported terrorist crimes.

On Wednesday, Moscow's UN envoy Vitaly Churkin promised a veto. "Yes, we'll do this," he said. "The adoption of such a resolution may have negative implications for common efforts toward settling the crisis in Syria," he added. He'll explain more later, he said.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov called France's resolution unacceptable. It "urges the referral of files to the ICC," he said. "We…oppose such an approach in the Security Council," he added. It's "counterproductive in the current situation." It's thinly veiled deception. It's cover for UN Charter Chapter 7 authorization. It'll be used "for...force against Damascus," he stressed. It's "knowingly politicized." It's pretext for US-led NATO direct intervention. It supports Libya 2.0. "The draft resolution that is currently submitted to the Security Council is unacceptable to us, and we will not support it. If it is put to a vote, we will veto it," Gatilov stressed.

China was expected to do likewise. Both countries vetoed three previous irresponsible Western-sponsored one-sidedly anti-Syrian SC resolutions. Doing so avoided all-out war. Longstanding US policy pressures, bullies and threatens other nations. It does so to support its imperial agenda. Five dozen nations irresponsibly blamed Assad for Western-supported terrorist crimes. They expressed support for prosecuting Assad and other Syrian officials in the International Criminal Court. It's an imperial tool. It blames victims for Western crimes against them. It has no legitimacy whatever. It violates fundamental legal norms and standards. Thursday SC voting proceeded as scheduled. Russia and China vetoed France's resolution. They acted responsibly. Doing so slows Obama's imperial project.

New York Times editors consistently support what demands condemnation. They're on the wrong side of history. They support Washington's imperial agenda. They're one-sidedly anti-Syrian. They feature contributors with likeminded views. They deny responsible voices space to respond.

Jonathan Stevenson is a former International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) senior fellow. From November 2011 - May 2013, he was Obama's Middle East/North Africa national security political/military affairs director. He's currently a Naval War College professor. Scoundrel media publications feature him often. On May 21, he headlined his NYT op-ed "Go Beyond Diplomacy on Syria." He urged Obama "not merely advance Mr. Assad's exit from office…" He wants him replaced. He ignored international law. It prohibits interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. It doesn't matter.

He wants Syrians having no say. He wants what he calls "moderate and capable" governance running Syria. None that matters opposing Assad exists. Western-supported radicalized elements wage war against him. So-called "power-sharing compromise" is figment of his imagination. "(A)ctive American diplomacy" he cites is nonexistent. He urged supplying illusory "moderate" opposition groups with "sustained covert assistance." Doing so he claims signals Washington and its imperial partners are serious about pursuing "peaceful political transition in Syria."

Like Afghanistan. Like Iraq. Like Libya. Like wherever America shows up. Mass slaughter, destruction and human misery follow. Peaceful countries become charnel houses. They're transformed into uncontrollable cauldrons of violence. So-called democracy instituted doesn't exist. Claiming otherwise is pure fantasy.

Stevenson supports war. He does so without admitting it. He deplores peace. Claims otherwise ring hollow. He cited nonexistent "global terrorist threats." They're convenient illusions. They're figments of his imagination.

They're invented as pretexts. They used to advance America's imperium. It rages against humanity. It threatens its survival. Times editors featured Stevenson's rubbish. Likeminded hawkishness is embraced.

Imperial supporters remain unapologetic. They bury vital truths. They substitute Big Lies. They ignore fundamental rule of law principles. They promote wrongheaded policy. They support US crimes of war and against humanity. They're willing co-conspirators. They use journalism as a dagger against freedom. They defend the indefensible. Don't expect them to explain.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He has devoted his time and efforts to progressive causes and organizations, all involved in working for a more humane and just world for all people everywhere, but especially for the most needy, disadvantaged and oppressed. His efforts since summer 2005 have included writing on a broad range of vital topics ranging from war and peace; social, economic and political equity for all; and justice for all the oppressed peoples of the world like the long-suffering people of Haiti and the Palestinians. He also co-hosts The Global Research News Hour, gives occasional public talks, and appears frequently on radio and at times television. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. Also visit his blog and listen to The Lendman News Hour on Monday - Friday at 10AM US Central time for cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on world and national issues. All programs are archived for easy listening. His new book "How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War" can be ordered HERE. He can be reached at



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