Lawsuits Challenging Covid-19 False Claims

"This Corona crisis, according to all we know today, must be renamed a Corona scandal, and those responsible for it must be criminally prosecuted and sued for civil law damages. On a political level, everything must be done to make sure that no one will ever again be in a position of such power as to be able to defraud humanity or to attempt to manipulate us with their corrupt agendas." ~ Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, 3 Oct 2020

"We should be talking about why and how has our society allowed these things to happen? How and why? And we must try to get answers to those so that this will never happen again." ~ Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, Nov 2020

"Sooner or later something like this was going to happen—we didn’t pay attention to the signs. We’d better be paying attention now because they’re never going to let us go unless we do something about it. That’s why we’re filing lawsuits, lots of them and filing a lot more of them because if we don’t ... use the courts to free ourselves we will never be a free people again. We’re filing a federal lawsuit as well and we’re going to keep doing this state-by-state until we set everybody free. And then we’ve got to work really, really hard to make sure this never happens again by being very diligent citizens." ~ Dr. Pamela Popper, 21 Dec 2020

Lawsuits are being initiated and filed to challenge the claim Covid-19 justifies locking down global society. The purpose here is to summarize and reference well-conceived challenges being mounted within judicial proceedings concerning the veracity of Covid-19 claims justifying lockdowns of global society by public health and elected officials.

Corona Ausschuss / The Corona Committe

The dominant narrative of what occurred in 2019-into-2020 is based on a series of false claims laid out in a cogent 15 December 2020 analysis by Reiner Fuellmich (attorney admitted to the bar in Germany and California for the past 26 years): "Cease & Desist Order to Prof. Dr. Christian Drosten, Creator of SARS-CoV-2 PCR test." It was Professor Drosten who invented a prototype Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test to purportedly detect live-and-infectious SARS-CoV-2 virus which became the model for the worldwide PCR test. The five lockdown fallacies detailed herein are:

1. No basic immunity
2. Symptomless risk of infection
3. PCR-based diagnostics
4. The menace of overload of the healthcare systems
5. Restriction on freedom can be beneficial

As is stated in the last paragraph, “Please note that with every day that you maintain your deliberately false risk assessment of COVID-19, you are only making matters worse - for countless people in this country, but also for yourself. We will make this letter available to all colleagues who are willing to represent clients who have suffered harm as a result of the Corona measures. If you do not comply with our above request, a lawsuit will become unavoidable. In the course of this lawsuit, the whole truth about the lockdown will become the subject of a judicial hearing.”

Beginning in July, Fuellmich and three other attorneys established the German Corona Investigative Committee. Its present-day Internet presence is in German: Corona Ausschuss (auto-generated English translation: Corona Committee). In a 3 October statement on Crimes Against Humanity (49 minute film and annotated transcript), Fuellmich presents what the Corona Committee had established to that point from its investigations including recorded live meetings with experts and witnesses on a variety of questions about the virus, crisis management and the consequences. Also check the Patrick Bet-David interview with Reiner Fuellmich (54:31, 13 November 2020) and the defamation lawsuit on behalf of plaintiff Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg (11:23, 23 Nov 2020).

Dr. Fuellmich filed on behalf of Dr. Wodarg who has been censored and called a liar by ‘fact checkers’ of media and social media outlets. Fuellmich:

“Therefore we are suing for defamation in order to force those ‘fact checkers’ to present their evidence as to why these statements that he has made about PCR tests are untrue.”

The burden of proof lies with the fact checkers. They must show evidence for why they claim Dr. Wodarg’s statements are false.

Critical Analysis

Review report Corman-Drosten et al., Eurosurveillance 2020, 27 November, 2020
External peer review of the RTPCR test to detect SARS-CoV-2 reveals 10 major scientific flaws at the molecular and methodological level: consequences for false positive results.
Coronavirus Scandal Breaking in Merkel’s Germany, F. William Engdahl, New Eastern Outlook, 10 December, 2020

An underlying dynamic in this situation continues to be that CDC changed the rules back in March about counting deaths as Covid. This is covered in If COVID Fatalities Were 90.2% Lower, How Would You Feel About Schools Reopening? (Children’s Health Defense, 24 July, 2020). While long, and covering a wide swath of material, its focus on the fourth key finding is listed at the top:

"Had the CDC used its industry standard, Medical Examiners’ and Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting Revision 2003, as it has for all other causes of death for the last 17 years, the COVID-19 fatality count would be approximately 90.2% lower than it currently is."

Pursuing genuine accountability in the courts by forcing government officials to prove what’s happening IS an emergency may be the most effective course to reveal the truth regarding obfuscations, omissions, lies, and corrupt, criminal policy decisions as well as gaining leverage on imperatives like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and CHD Urge Congress to Investigate the Origins of COVID-19 (CHD, 20 Oct 2020).

Make Americans Free Again

Dr. Pamela Popper is a naturopathic doctor with a PhD in nutrition, an internationally recognized expert on nutrition, medicine and health, and the Executive Director of Wellness Forum Health. In her 21 December 2020 interview for the Planet Lockdown film, she relays the following beginning at 33:31:

"[This situation] is a wake-up call, it’s a big wake-up call. Sooner or later something like this was going to happen—we didn’t pay attention to the signs. We’d better be paying attention now because they’re never going to let us go unless we do something about it. That’s why we’re filing lawsuits, lots of them and filing a lot more of them because if we don’t—we have one branch of government in the United States that’s functioning and that’s the courts and if we don’t use the courts to free ourselves we will never be a free people again."

"Our cases are different. I think a lot of what people are frustrated about right now is how many cases have been filed and that most of them have failed. The reason is the cases that have been filed have been cases that allege that constitutional rights were being violated and they are. The problem is that the government would then show up and say but it’s an emergency. And it isn’t. But that’s what they would claim and then judges would say, Well they do have a lot of power under the Emergency Powers Act."

"Our case says: There is no pandemic. There is no emergency. It’s a false declaration. Officials know it and they’re committing fraud. So you can’t respond to that by saying, It’s an emergency. Now you have to prove it’s an emergency."

"What’s been very interesting—we filed this first case in Ohio in August—is that they refuse to—all of the court hearings and everything else are involved in them trying not to have to come up with the data. Our attorney actually said at one point in time, You know you can make this all go away so quickly because if you’re right about this and you give us the data and show that you’re right, a couple of things. First of all we’ll go away, obviously. And you’ll be able to really gloat. I mean, think of the press conference the emperor [Ohio Governor Mike DeWine] could have to say we actually proved in court that Pam Popper and Tom Renz and all of these people are wrong. Why don’t they do that? Why this effort not to disclose the information? Because they know they’re in trouble."

So we filed in Ohio [in August]. Today [21 Dec] we’re filing in another state [New Mexico]. We’re filing a federal lawsuit as well and we’re going to keep doing this state-by-state until we set everybody free. And then we’ve got to work really, really hard to make sure this never happens again by being very diligent citizens. That’s why I started Make America Free Again. We have a lot of work to do once we get ourselves out from under this ridiculousness.

The strategy of forcing public health and political officials to prove in the courts that covid-19 is an emergency holds the potential to successfully halt the agenda of eugenicists, self-annointed tech and pharma lords, and financially powerful persons of unconscionable means who seek to gain the world while losing their souls. Beginning at 24:21 Popper questions the veracity and legitimacy of what public health is:

"Once in a while, they’ll put something out that actually explains what’s going on. Like Redfield. The head of the CDC actually testified in front of Congress that I think it’s 25% of adolescents and young adults had thought about killing themselves.[] Think about what that means."

"And they’re still wanting to lock everybody down and keep kids home from school and no sports and the whole nine yards. Think about how unthinking people have to be to listen to that and say, yup, we’re definitely on the right track...."

"Back to your point: What is public health? Do you think public health is putting adolescents and young adults in a place where 25% of them would like to kill themselves? Do you think public health is about older people dying alone without human contact in a nursing home? There’s a new thing they’re putting on death certificates—these days for nursing home does—it’s called failure to thrive. This is where old people just give up their will to live and stop eating. In Canada older people can do assisted suicide."

"I covered this in a video clip, a woman who opted for assisted suicide instead of staying by herself alone in her room in the nursing home. And we think that’s okay, seriously, that’s murder. That’s committing murder indirectly when you drive people to do this. And and I won’t rest until we prove that these people have not only committed fraud, but that they have them responsible for deaths and they should be criminally prosecuted. That’s a strong accusation to make too."

MAFA Critical Analysis

CDC Complaint Filed in U.S. District Court, Western Division for the Northern District of Ohio (72 pgs)
New Mexico Complaint Filed in U.S. District Court, District of New Mexico (12/31/20, 126 pgs)
Ohio Amended Complaint Filed in U.S. District Court, Western Division for the Northern District of Ohio (10/14/20, 81 pgs)
MAFA Supporting Documents (627 pgs)
Stand Up Against Unconstitutional COVID Responses: Ohio Stand Up! lead attorney Thomas Renz gave a lecture on October 3rd, discussing the lawsuit and what we can all do to fight back against the growing tyranny. As the state of Ohio continues to discriminate against the elderly and promote fear amongst the population, Ohio Stands Up! is making progress in shining the light of justice on the issue.
New Mexico Stands Up – A coalition project of the People of New Mexico, New Mexico Freedoms Alliance member groups, Ohio Stands Up, and unMasked
Lawsuit: COVID-19 is ‘no emergency’, Geoffrey Plant, Silver City Daily Press, 30 Dec. 2020


- Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, Mental Health, Substance Use, and Suicidal Ideation During the COVID-19 Pandemic—United States, June 24-30, 2020, CDC:

“The percentage of respondents who reported having seriously considered suicide in the 30 days before completing the survey (10.7%) was significantly higher among respondents aged 18-24 years (25.5%)”


Source: Pandemic Parallax View, Image:
Well worth a read: Apprehending the False Promise of Biosecurity by David T. Ratcliffe


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