The West has been conquered by a huge parasitic culture that we can defeat if we understand it
American Buddhist Net
This parasite has been growing larger and larger since the end of WW2. It is feeding on the West while also consciously destroying it. Members of this parasitic culture delight in their actions.
Delight is a feature of this culture; delight in the abundance they feed on; and, yes, delight in the ruination they are causing. Parasites destroy their hosts by taking energy and sustenance from them. It is a cultural feature, a psychological feature of parasites to enjoy the harm they cause, to positively delight in it. They literally dance to it.
The parasitic culture that infests the West has many mouths, many subcultures that feed in their own ways on what they can. But all of them agree that it is delightful and profitable for them to feed and destroy.
The destruction happens because feeding without building is easier than building something nourishing and extracting reasonable personal benefit from that. Capitalism itself is not parasitic, though many of the groups that hate or abuse capitalism are. Parasitic groups are all the same in that they have Complaints and want them addressed; they see a Bright Future and want it, vague though it is; they believe they Deserve abundance from the host body, the traditional culture of the West, and that Any Means are Justified for them to take it.
The host itself is acting like a parasite is feeding on it. It is numb, cowed, afraid to say anything. It even believes the parasite might be right. It has been trained in these attitudes.
The West became soft partly through the abundance afforded by its inventions but more importantly due to the clandestine violence visited on it by of some of the parasitic groups. This violence included poison, maiming, medical malpractice, pedagogic misleading, reputation destruction, career destruction, shaming, isolating, humiliating. It targets first and foremost strong young men and boys, destroying them before they become strong adult men. It encourages host women to attack their own men and boys and allows anyone with a complaint, real or imagined, to join the attack.
These host women are slaves of the parasites, many of them willing slaves. Many of them become parasites themselves. Many slavish men have joined them in their rampage. As a group, united with other, older parasites, parasites more experienced than them and able to lead them subtlety, they have taken over one Western institution after another: academia, media, politics, state governments, religious denominations, school boards, election boards, and so on.
Many of these slaves have a foot in both worlds; one in the host body and the other in the parasitic feast. They do not feel divided. They separate their roles. As host victims, they are numb to what is happening. They have Parasite Syndrome, which is similar to Stockholm Syndrome, only worse. These are the people who hate Donald Trump and the very idea of America being Great Again. These are the people who repeat every day what millions of TVs blare at them while never realizing that nothing they say is original or requires any thoughtful energy from them. Automatically, they memorize the TV message of the day and repeat it when required, only to start anew the next day should the message change.
These are the people who will not and cannot see any other side of the covid response but what the TV says. Of course many get their messages from other media but TV is still a valid symbol of thoughtless acceptance by many. They are as slaves, afraid even to silently mouth some words.
My purpose in writing this description is to remodel what is happening. To provide another way to understand our demise than a history of ideas—Marxism, CRT, BLM, WOKE, corporatism, globalism, etc. Once you understand the violence of the parasites, how destructive they are, how well they are organized, how dangerous and prevalent they are, you will see them in many places, always seizing power or enjoying the power and wealth they have seized while at the same time providing nothing useful themselves. I am talking about large groups of parasites, not individual psychopaths who abuse individual partners though a good deal of the dynamic is the same.
The WHO has been taken over by parasites. The WEF was founded to be a parasite. Many US agencies, if not all of them, have succumbed to parasites: CDC, FDA, NIH, NIAID, DoD, courts, medical boards, state governments, etc. Build Back Better implies that what was has to be destroyed. Build Back Better is not Obiden’s phrase. It is a phrase all Western “leaders” are using. I am sure readers of this site will understand that the West’s covid response has been arch-parasitic, so bad in fact I lean toward believing it was our parasites and not China’s that designed and released the virus in the first place.
By many of us seeing this huge parasitic organism for what it is and understanding that it operates as a loosely connected group of sub-parasites who help each other, we may be able to find a way to defeat it and bring back a civilization that respects individual rights, rational dialog, real science, freedom of speech, religion, and association.
Source: American Buddhist Net. IMG: Mente Alternativa. AWIP: