Demonizing Russia with Diabolical Aims in Mind
Tanya Nedashkivs'ka, 57, mourns the death of her husband, who
was killed in Bucha (Image: AP / PA photowire service)
Last month, dementia Joe’s double disgracefully called preeminent world leader Vladimir Putin a...
💬...“war criminal…a murderous dictator…a butcher…a pure thug (sic).”
On Monday, the White House impostor was at it again. Demonizing Putin gratuitously, he falsely accused him of civilian deaths in Bucha, Ukraine — what Russia had nothing to do with. Disgracefully calling Putin a “war criminal” again, he added:
💬 “We have to get all the detail so this can be…a war crime trial.”
So-called “details” the regime he nominally heads are invented, not real. No evidence connects Russia to deaths of civilians in Bucha or anywhere else in Ukraine — nothing suggesting that war crimes were committed by its military. Indisputable evidence links Nazified Ukrainian forces to crimes of war, against humanity and horrific atrocities. According to international affairs analyst Adriel Kasonta:
💬 “I’m terrified to see horrors” and other inhumane acts “committed by Ukrainian neo-Nazi groups.” They include torture, “lynching people, (beating) them…smashing their identity…tying them to lampposts” to cause pain, suffering and death. “Now we are supposed to glorify (Ukrainian) Nazis only for the mere fact that they are fighting the Western boogeyman, which is Russia.” “So-called human rights watchers are blind to the fact that human rights are being violated in Ukraine by Ukrainians.”
In 2016, a report by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights accused Ukrainian neo-Nazis of raping, torturing, taping and whipping detainees in Donbass — of leaving them painfully bound outdoors in freezing weather.
💬 “This is obviously inhumane and marks a dangerous turn in Ukraine towards mob rule, where the worst elements in society take over the policing of the population,” (according to one analyst...)
💬 “While shocking to normal people, such images are not surprising due to the culture of intolerance, extremism and racism that has been a part of the political and military structure of Ukraine for many decades.”
A makeshift torture chamber was found in a Lugansk basement. According to a DPR source:
💬 In the “impromptu torture chamber,” local residents were “tormented to death,” then finished off with a gun “shot in the head.”
Members of the infamous Azov regiment and other Ukrainian Nazis were responsible for these atrocities. “Vision & Global Trends chairman at the International Institute for Global Analyses, Tiberio Graziani, said the following:
💬 “Everyone (was) perfectly aware of what (went) on.” It’s “astonishing and (appalling) that these facts are not loudly condemned by humanitarian NGOs in the West.”
Along with MSM co-conspirators, they tacitly support them by turning a blind eye to no one should tolerate — instead of demanding that these thugs be held accountable for crimes too egregious to ignore.
After the 2014 Obama/Biden regime Maidan coup in Kiev, scattered media reports noted far-right, antisemitic, anti-Russia fascist groups in Ukraine. In 2010, the London Guardian quoted Azov commander, Andriy Biletsky, saying:
💬 “Ukraine’s mission is to lead the white races of the world in a final crusade…against Semite-led untermenschen.”
Instead of pointing fingers where they belong, Russia is falsely accused of atrocities and other crimes — ones committed by US/Western-supported Nazified thugs. Falsely accusing Vladimir Putin of committing war crimes — by the fake Biden, others in West and their MSM press agents — should be a criminal offense, punishable by imprisonment and stiff fines for unjustifiable character assassination.
The US-dominated West is using Russia’s legitimate military operation in Ukraine to eliminate the Nazified threat to Donbass, its own security and central Europe overall as a weapon to use against its noble mission.
Bottom line? Hegemon USA wants forever sanctions and proxy hot war on Russia waged with undermining the nation politically, economically and financially in mind. It wants the world community to (falsely) consider Russia a pariah state in pursuit of these diabolical aims. It wants to reverse its irreversible decline, its fall from grace — while China, Russia, Iran, India and other nations are rising on the world stage. It risks destruction of planet earth in pursuit of its megalomaniacal aim to control its member states, their resources and populations. It wants the world community of nations transformed into ruler-serf societies.
● It’s OK to invent enemies threatening no one in pursuit of US/Western interests.
● It’s OK to breach international law with this aim in mind.
● It’s OK to wage imperial wars for invented reasons, to commit the highest of high crimes of war, against humanity and atrocities of every shape and kind, including mass murder and brutal torture.
● It’s OK for the US-dominated West to use every dirty trick imaginable and then some.
● It’s OK to irreparably harm millions and billions of people if Western wealth, power and privileged interests are served.
● It’s OK to falsely blame invented enemies like Russia of the most despicable high crimes they had nothing to do with.
● It’s OK for the self-styled indispensable nation to do any damn thing it wishes to benefit its ruling class.
● It’s not OK for nations to be free from its jackboot tyranny.
Nor is governance of, by and for everyone equitably permissible — what democracy is all about, what’s banned throughout the debauched US/West.
Source: Stephen Lendman Blog. IMG: photowire service