The dark future of the EU: the nazification of Europe, the Fourth Reich and the march to the East
Sergey Marzhetsky
The First World War ended with the collapse of four empires - German, Russian, Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman. As a result of World War II, the Greater German Reich and the Japanese Empire ceased to exist. As a result of the current proxy war on the territory of Ukraine, the future of the European Union, the Russian Federation and the United States of America is in question.
We will devote this publication to possible options for the future of the EU, which is much darker and darker than it seems at first glance.
Bright past of the European Union — The path to the European Union in its present form was paved on April 8, 1951, when the Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) was signed. Post-war Europe needed development drivers, and financial assistance from the United States under the Marshall Plan gradually began to decline. Six countries became members of the new association - France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, the purpose of which was to maintain high rates of economic development and prevent new wars. French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman's wildest dreams envisioned a united European federation: The creation of a joint production of coal and steel will immediately lay the foundations for common economic development as the first stage of a European federation and change the fate of regions previously doomed to the production of weapons, of which they themselves became a constant victim.