BlackRock Plots to Buy Ukraine

Bradley Devlin

BlackRock gets paid by U.S. taxpayers via the Ukrainian government to devise a plan that ensures the success of their future investments in Ukraine, made from money gained by making American housing unaffordable.

Ukraine has a new Western backer. It’s not a nation-state, or a military contractor. It’s the financial firm BlackRock.

Ukraine announced Wednesday that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had a video teleconference with BlackRock Chief Executive Officer Larry Fink. The pair apparently struck a deal to coordinate investment efforts to rebuild the war-torn nation.

A readout of the meeting on the Ukrainian president’s website boasted BlackRock’s involvement, calling the firm 💬 “one of the world's leading investment managers” and noted that it “manages client assets worth about 8 trillion dollars.” “Zelenskyy and Larry Fink agreed to focus in the near term on coordinating the efforts of all potential investors and participants in the reconstruction of our country, channelling investment into the most relevant and impactful sectors of the Ukrainian economy,” the readout claimed.

This was the year we began our liberation

Andrei Medvedev (Андрей Медведев)

This was the year we began our liberation. We began to free ourselves from lies, self-deception, imitations and substitution of reality with beautiful presentations. We were not completely victorious, but we were on the right track.

This was the year we got slapped down for our vanity, our pride, our worthless self-confidence. And we began to learn on the fly to accept reality as it is.

It was a year when we learned a great deal about ourselves. We finally became one, a political nation. Since March, thousands of volunteers have been gathering for the front. Thousands of brave kids are taking what they have collected to the front. People have not listened to the reassuring murmur that 'the military is provided for everything'. People took the care of the warring army upon themselves. This year saw the birth of a real civil society in Russia, which stepped boldly into the darkness of adversity together with the Motherland.

It was a year of amazing transparency and understanding of who is an insider and who is a leech on the body of the Motherland. Some top managers of state companies and banks flew abroad with US passports in their pockets during the first days of the war. And people from the "brigades" of the '90s, supported levies for the front and the mobilized. The brutal and tactical beards were hysterical and went to Kazakhstan. But ordinary boys, ordinary men, turned out to be heroes.

Dehumanizing the enemy

Gilbert Doctorow

The word “Russophobia” has been used very widely in the past couple of years by Russians and by “friends of Russia” abroad to describe the campaign of vilification of President Putin in particular and of the Russian people more generally that the U.S. led West has practiced with rising volume and shrillness ever since the start of an Information War launched in 2007.

In the course of the “Special Military Operation,” the Kiev regime has taken the lead in disseminating vicious calumny about the Russian military. We have heard about “massacres of civilians” in Bucha by retreating Russians. We have heard about Putin dispensing Viagra to his soldiers so that they might carry out sexual violence against Ukrainian women in occupied areas under their control. These and similar allegations have been repeated endlessly in Western media as if they were proven facts. They were not and are not anything more than bare-faced lies. The image of savage Buryat and Chechen units within the Russian armed forces has been so widespread that even Pope Francis spoke publicly against these peoples from the Vatican. The apologies later extended by his Secretariat were made privately to the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so the damage of this calumny will not be undone.

I suggest that we consider the Russophobia as just a new manifestation of an old trick of those preparing the public for war and managing popular emotions in a jingoist direction. It is all about dehumanizing one’s opponents to make killing more acceptable than Scripture and the basic disposition of civil society would allow.

In many essays I have remarked on Russian foreign policy as being “reactive” rather than aggressive. And so it is in the Information War domain. The Russians took it on the chin when the Bucha narrative was spun in Western media. They whined and complained, but did not fire back.

Russia had sound strategic reasons for initiating and prosecuting the war in Ukraine. To be sure, these reasons changed from pacifying Ukraine (demilitarization and de-Nazification) at the outset to the present objective of de-fanging NATO itself ever since NATO began supplying state of the art weaponry to Kiev, together with military advisers on the ground and real time intelligence.

New Year Address to the Nation

Vladimir Vladimirovitsj Putin
President of Russia

This blog now clearly affirms its support for Russia. The leaders of the Western world want to crush her; to defeat her militarily and corrupt her beyond repair. This will not happen.

She is not isolated; she has many friends all over the world. Like so many others, we fully support the national and religious endeavor of Mother Russia. She will prevail. The old system is terminally in decline, and hopefully will all but disappear. A better world may now be emerging.

We fully understand that some of our readers may not agree with us here. In spite of this, we want to continue helping them understand the news. But in order to do this honestly and truly, we all must keep in mind the old Latin dictum: Audiatur et altera pars. - The other side must also be heard. - Editor

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