The Final Assault and Total Destruction of America
The global elite planned many years ago to destroy the United States and the American people. They didn't believe that anyone would stand in their way. They were stunned and infuriated when Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election and delayed their planned take-down of America. This is why the globalists and their media have spent the past six years attacking and demonizing Donald Trump, the one man who poses a real threat to their plan.
The streets of American cities are now covered with homeless people, garbage, and excrement. Rampant crime, muggings, robberies, home invasions, rapes, and murders are common. Thousands of grocery stores, drug, stores, shopping malls, and restaurants have been robbed, looted, and closed down. Shoplifting is now encouraged by laws passed by Democrats. 22 million illegals have flowed over Biden's open border. Over 100,000 children have been exploited and disappeared this year alone. The Mexican mafia is now in America selling drugs. Over 100,000 Americans are dying each year from Chinese fentanyl carried over the border by the Democrat's darling illegal immigrants.
Children are being taught sexual perversion and to hate the color of their skin by their Marxist democrat school teachers. Girls are forced to undress in school locker rooms in front of men. Children are intentionally confused about their sexuality by their liberal Democrat teachers and convinced to get their sex organs mutilated in horrific sex change surgeries. Parents are labeled as terrorists and watched by Biden's corrupt FBI for daring to complain at school board meetings. Democrats voted unanimously to allow men to compete in women's athletics destroying the careers of women athletes.
Hundreds of billions of dollars have been squandered on Biden's unjust Ukraine war while cities across the nation are in disrepair and millions of Americans are homeless and hungry. Biden has hired 87,000 new IRS agents to extract more money from a population already reeling from his crushing inflation. For those who are confused about what is happening, America is being intentionally destroyed. Everything that can be done to damage and harm the American people, their culture, their laws, and their country is being carried out.
Although Biden appears to be an incompetent old fool, he was carefully selected and installed in a blatantly rigged election to commit treason. It takes a special kind of person to destroy their own country in the service of a small group of international trillionaires and billionaires. Don't expect the Republican party to save you. The corrupt Washington political class sold out the American people to globalist interests long ago.
Donald Trump will not be President again. If the globalists and their Democrat puppets thought there was a possibility that Trump could be President they would assassinate him. America will be economically hobbled and broken. Biden's eighty-seven thousand armed IRS agents will be unleashed on the American people. Their homes will be taken, and their bank accounts drained. The American people will be reduced to starvation and poverty.
WEF founder Klaus Schwab said, "You'll own nothing and be happy". The American people will never be happy living in abject poverty under the rule of the global elite and their political system of puppets. They will rise in a bloody civil war. America will be divided between the mindless followers of the left and those who still possess critical thinking skills and yearn for freedom. Starvation and death will sweep across the nation as Americans murder each other in the millions to the gleeful delight of the global elite.
There will be no victory for the American people because soon after they regain control of their battered and broken country comes the final assault and total destruction. Yellowstone will erupt wiping out all life from the country once called the United States of America and half of Europe. Then and only then will the death grip of the global elite be loosened from the neck of humanity. The globalists will achieve their goal of world depopulation, and themselves be consumed in the destruction.
Source: IMG: © Screenshot from a You Tube video. Video: You Tube