Kremlin: "Monitoring developments" after Biden Drop-Out; "A lot can change"

Harold Turner
Hal Turner Show

The Kremlin says it is monitoring developments after US President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 US election, adding that a “lot can change” in the meantime. It was this website that reported on Friday, word was circulating the White House saying Biden would drop-out "by Sunday" (Story Here) Now, it has happened. After reporting today that Biden has actually dropped-out (Story Here) I must now also report the following concerning Russia.

The Kremlin has already planned for "change in American leadership" with respect to its ongoing Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine.

If a change in American leadership begets a reasonable, mature, responsible President, there is room for Russia to attempt trust again and negotiate.

If, however, the change in American leadership begets another foreign policy idiot - or worse, a pro-NATO Zealot - then there are very clear and precise steps Russia has already decided to take. None of them are good.

A few of the actions Russia will take are really bad; for Ukraine, Europe, the U.S., and the world economy. One step the Russians have already decided they may have to take, is unspeakable. So when the Kremlin announced today that it is monitoring developments, and that "a lot can change" they're not kidding.

The Kamala Harris dingbat, would beget the "really bad" changes because the Russians would rightly see her as a puppet whose strings are being pulled by the same shadowy figures now running the Biden regime. That would mean endless war for Russia, in Ukraine, and that is something the Russians simply will not be lured into. They will act decisively, and that means hugely bad news for Ukraine.

When such developments take place in Ukraine, NATO would feel compelled to enter the fray and the moment that happens, it's World War 3 and the missiles fly.

Another possibility is that the Democrats coalesce around a mature, practical, candidate, with whom the practical realities can be frankly discussed:

Russia will not allow US missiles to be placed on the territory of Ukraine because those missiles would have a 5-10 minute flight time to Moscow and to Russia's strategic missile silos. No country on earth can defend themselves against missiles that can be launched, and strike targets, within 5-10 minutes.

The placement of such missiles would be an existential threat to Russia and, like US President John F. Kennedy did with Cuba in 1963, Russia would have to strike them anyway. So now that Russia is already in Ukraine, taking the rest of that country would then become a necessity as a "buffer zone" against NATO.

The territories in Ukraine that are now part of Russia (Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson, Zaporozhe) voted in public referendum to secede from Ukraine and join Russia. They will not ever be back as Ukraine.

If the practical realities can be discussed with a mature, rational, reasonable Democrat, there is hope to avoid a much worse conflict.

If, however, the candidate actually chosen by the Democrats is a nitwit - or some bizarre pro-NATO/Nazi war hawk - there's nothing to talk about anymore. The fight happens.

If the Russians come to the conclusion that the Democrat candidate is such a nitwit, or an implacable obstacle, it then becomes a decision for Russia as to WHEN to strike?

Do they wait until the election to see who actually gets in . . . . or do they strike while Biden is in, because his entire regime is incompetent?

The "strike sooner rather than later" crowd in Russia is likely to prevail. The fight happens - sooner.

Americans are not being told exactly what's at stake here, because the Biden regime does not want them knowing how badly they have screwed up, and how much danger our country is actually in because of their screw-ups.

With Biden's withdrawal from the Presidential Race, things could go wild weasel a lot sooner than anyone thought.


Image: © N/A; Hal Turner Show. AWIP:


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