The witch is back: ‘Killary’ Clinton tipped for run at presidency after Biden quits race

Michael Slovanos
Cairns News

Hillary Clinton described by Alex Jones
as “an evil, warmongering demon”.

SO US President Joe Biden has announced, as expected, that he will not run for re-election. The announcement comes on cue with appearances by several possible candidates, most notably Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Such a prospect for America and the world is unthinkable, but not for Democrats and their “special lady”. Our headline about “the witch” is not just a cheap shot. Clinton is known to have been actively involved in witchcraft, according to Larry Nichols, a former confidant of the family when they governed Arkansas.

Nichols said while Hillary’s “good times” husband and then governor Bill was doing cocaine at parties with local girls – between official duties – Hillary would head off to LA for days at a time when she partook in activities with some strange witches group.

In spiritual terms, Hillary Clinton certainly fits the profile of the biblical Jezebel, who took the throne with King Ahab during a time of political uncertainty in Israel. Ahab is a weak male figure, while Jezebel is the dominating schemer who manipulates him and organizes murders of prophets.

The shocking parallel is not so much Bill being the weak King Ahab character, but the dozens of suspicious deaths of associates of this couple. The notorious “Clinton body count” lists range from former Representative William Dannemeyer’s 24 to lawyer Linda Thompson’s 34.

Fact-checkers raise legitimate objections to the list, however we should not forget that while the Clintons ruled Arkansas, the CIA was running a cocaine importing operation at the Mena Airport. Bill also had some coaching from George H. W. Bush Snr, another long-time CIA associate. He once assured a reporter he “knew nothing about it” (the MENA operation).

What emerged however, was an elaborate money laundering operation being run by the Clintons through the Arkansas Development Finance Authority who Larry Nichols worked for. Hillary’s law firm was a key player, handling all the necessary legals.

But this story is all long-gone history. Bill Clinton, the slick, charming womanizer, cruised on in to the White House thanks to the help of an adoring media. He started a few wars like “good presidents” do but ran into serious trouble over a dalliance with an intern.

Meanwhile, Jezebel lusted for political power and defeated Republican Rick Lazio in the 2000 United States Senate election in New York. She won a second term in 2006 and set her eyes on her first presidential run in 2008. Obama won the primary instead. She resigned from the Senate in 2009 to become Obama’s Secretary of State.

And then came the multi-billion dollar Clinton Foundation and The Clinton Global Initiative, running patronage schemes worldwide, handing out millions to favored governments run by people like Jacinda Ardern. There were also accusations of child and human trafficking from Haiti.

Not to worry. The Clinton’s had another big project underway – Hillary’s run for the presidency in 2016 against Donald J. Trump. Media and pollsters all agreed. Clinton was a shoo-in, sure-fire winner as the first female president of the USA. A massive victory for feminism. A seasoned, veteran political campaigner versus the rank amateur Trump. It wasn’t to be.

Can Clinton now come in as the “Savior of America”? Are the Democrats, as Alex Jones puts it, now “summoning up their demon”? Jones notes that Clinton had been “conspicuously mum” on social media over the attempted hit against Trump, opting instead to make critical posts about his VP nominee and Project 25.

“And right on cue, the mainstream media has suddenly begun to sing her praises right before the Democratic National Convention is set to kick off in a couple of weeks,” said Jones. “But fortunately, the American people are wise to Clinton’s criminality, cold and ruthless personality, lust for power, and revulsion for American values.”


Image: © N/A. AWIP:


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