They Are Closing Up the Internet

Jeffrey A. Tucker
Frontier Centre for Public Policy

Such confusing times, so much in dispute, so much to discover and know. Billions of people are right now lifting their phones to their faces and searching for answers. The results they see are dramatically different from what they were just a few years ago.

You have surely noticed that Google searches aren’t what they used to be. Or maybe you haven’t, and that’s the idea. For many years, we trusted Google to give us consensus results based on the standard of crowd-sourced credibility. While the system was imperfect, it worked well enough.

The ranking in Google search was based on the status of a website, which in turn was based on how many people used the site, how many and which sites linked to it, and how much traffic it consistently generated. As part of that, you could optimize your site’s results with the use of good keywords, site maps, clean structure, and stable links. Then you could win the game.

A whole industry emerged to help you achieve this, with every expert claiming to have cracked the code.

That system is officially over. What you see on search now is what elites want you to see. They are in charge and they pick and choose results based on political and cultural issues that affect nearly everything.

It’s hard to know precisely when it came to an end, but sometime in the past year or 24 months, the new system came to be codified. The new search results aren’t based on user experience. They are based on what someone thinks you should know. That someone is the usual gang, some amorphous bureaucrats who might be influenced by political concerns or might be deep-state agents themselves. Regardless, what you see is now what some authority wants you to see.

This isn’t an accident but the fulfillment of a plan. Some people simply could not handle the freedom that the web allowed. They had to smash it, cartelize it, censor it, and pound it into a system that serves power rather than the insatiable drive of human beings to know.

Vade Retro Satana [*]

Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop
Exurge Domine

Statement following the sacrileges and scandals of the Paris Olympic Games

💬 "It is no coincidence that the one sponsoring this revolting carnival is an emissary of the World Economic Forum, Emanuel Macron, who passes off a transvestite as his own wife with impunity, just as Barack Obama is accompanied by a muscular man in a wig. It is the reign of mystification, of falsehood, of fiction erected as a totem, in which man is disfigured precisely because he was created in the image and likeness of God."

The opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games is only the latest in a long series of vile attacks on God, the Catholic Religion and natural Morality by the antichristic elite that holds Western countries hostage. We had seen no less disconcerting scenes at the 2012 London Olympics, the 2016 inauguration of the Gotthard Tunnel, and the 2022 Commonwealth Games, featuring infernal figures, goats, and terrifying animals.

The elite who organizes these ceremonies demand not only the right to blasphemy and the obscene display of the foulest vices, but even their mute acceptance by Catholics and decent people, who are forced to suffer the outrage of seeing the most sacred symbols of their Faith and the very foundations of the Natural Law desecrated.

We witnessed a dystopian dance macabre in which holograms of the horsemen of the Apocalypse alternated with a plump blue Dionysius, served under a bell of various courses; the parody of the LGBTQ+ Last Supper, the truculent performance of a decapitated Marie Antoinette singing Ça ira called to celebrate the horrors of the French Revolution; the ballets of bearded transvestites and effeminate dancers accompanied by pitiful mime singers. In this provocative spectacle, Satan knows how to do nothing except ruin God’s creative perfection, showing himself as the envious author of every counterfeit. Satan creates nothing: he only ruins everything. He does not invent: he tampers.

Why Did A Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Just Kill Their Country’s Top “Linguistic Nationalist”?

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

Irina Farion gave voice to what her fellow fascists believe, who look down upon ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking Ukrainians, even those who consider themselves Ukrainian.

A Neo-Nazi with the nom de guerre “Ukrainian Autonomous Revolutionary Racist” (UARR) claimed credit for assassinating fellow fascist Irina Farion on 19 July. This ex-MP was an infamous “linguistic nationalist” who was investigated by the SBU for defaming the armed forces after claiming late last year that Russian-speaking members of the Azov Battalion aren’t real Ukrainians. Their video manifesto, which was reported on by Ukrainian media here and summarized here, sheds some light on the motive.

The author condemned her as a “wrecker and racial traitor”, the first presumably in connection to her abovementioned scandal that inadvertently served to divide the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the second in response to her teaching Ukrainian to Africans, which they showed a clip of in their video. They also promised to “punish everyone who sold the country after the Maidan”, thus implying that she was one of those who they deemed guilty of this crime.

The UARR is allegedly connected to the “National Socialism/White Power” group, which the previously cited Ukrainian media report conspiratorially speculated is run by Russian intelligence. That’s a kooky theory though which is only being circulated to deflect from the fact that Ukrainian fascists just killed one of their own icons. It also builds upon GUR chief Kirill Budanov’s narrative that the culprits, which he strongly implied are linked in some way or another to Russia, “try to use any tools to divide our nation.”

The reality is that the Western-backed spree of urban terrorism and associated coup in early 2014, which are collectively known as “EuroMaidan”, were what irreparably divided Ukraine.

En Palestine sacrifiée, cette “ banalité du mal ” qui nous renvoie à nous-mêmes

Daniel Vanhove
Le Grand Soir

Nous savions. Tous, nous savions. Tous, nous avions les informations. Il suffisait d’avoir le courage de les prendre en compte, et de les confronter aux récits mensongers du régime colonial sioniste. Mais, régulièrement alimentés par le rappel culpabilisant des crimes commis à l’encontre des juifs sous le régime nazi, nous avons manqué de ce courage.

Nous n’avons pas produit le travail élémentaire de sortir de ce sordide amalgame élaboré par les stratèges sionistes se servant du génocide nazi, et d’en démêler les plans. Le sentiment de honte absolue face aux horreurs du régime nazi et de ses collabos nous a submergés, aveuglés, et paralysés. Ce qui se déroule depuis des décennies en Palestine occupée aurait dû non seulement nous alerter au plus haut point, mais de suite nous mobiliser tant collectivement qu’individuellement. D’autant qu’existent quantité d’informations sourcées ramenées par ceux qui se sont rendus sur place et en ont témoigné. De l’anonyme bénévole, aux ONG les plus en vue. Or, à quoi avons-nous assisté ? A de très modestes réactions sur la forme, mais jamais aucune sur le fond. Nos responsables politiques ont multiplié les réunions internationales, les sommets de façade et autres ballets diplomatiques accouchant de déclarations timorées et consensuelles. Mais sans prendre la moindre décision contraignante pour tuer dans l’œuf une idéologie mortifère qui a eu toute latitude pour se développer et en arriver par ses intrigues odieuses, au génocide actuel que personne n’arrive plus à arrêter. Nous n’avons aucune excuse.

Von der Leyen’s legacy

Hugo Dionísio
Strategic Culture Foundation

A European Union that has not only given up, but is using its own people. This is the legacy of Ursula von der Leyen and all those who support her.

The mainstream political class of the European Union, and its member states, has predictably ended up prolonging the agony, decadence and subservience of European affairs to U.S. interests. And now, for another five years, we will have to live, again, with Ursula von der Leyen.

Moreover, in the future, we will all remember her speeches on “value chain security”, in which Ursula’s great merit was to further reinforce the world’s dependence on Chinese value chains, demonstrating that, contrary to what she announces with as much anger as hatred, her tariffs, sanctions and conditioning cause us as much pain as they relieve the others. In the EU, in 10 years we will have given up the largest reserve of mineral, food, energy and raw materials in the world and, unless an uprising begins, we will also have given up the largest consumer market on the planet and the one that will grow the most in the coming years. These are von der Leyen’s great merits!

Georgia Is The Next Country That Might Face A High-Profile Assassination Attempt

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

"Georgia investigates alleged plot to kill ruling party
(Bidzina Ivanishvili, former prime minister and
founder of the Georgian Dream party, waves during a pro-
government rally in support of a bill on "foreign agents"
in Tbilisi, Georgia April 29, 2024. REUTERS/Irakli
Gedenidze/File Photo)

Aware that the window of opportunity for destabilizing their country might soon close, the Georgian Legion might desperately try to carry out a high-profile assassination attempt soon, even if it isn’t against the ruling party’s founder but someone else like the Prime Minister and they use a patsy instead of their own members.

Georgia’s State Security Service (SSS) informed the public that they’re investigating a criminal group linked to the former government which plotted to assassinate the founder of the ruling Georgian Dream party. According to RT, Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze claimed that these are the same forces that were behind the attempted assassinations of his Slovak counterpart Robert Fico and former US President Donald Trump, while Politico cited local media to report that the Georgian Legion is under suspicion.

It was explained in early May why “The Georgian State Security Service & The Georgian Legion Are On The Brink Of War”, namely because that pro-US armed group can play a crucial role in catalyzing a spree of urban terrorism ahead of, during, or right after fall’s parliamentary elections. The preceding analysis followed the failed attempt by rioters to storm the parliament over a week prior in protest of their country’s FARA-inspired foreign agents legislation, which readers can learn more about here.

In brief, although the ruling conservative-nationalist party aspires to join the EU and NATO, it doesn’t want to surrender the country’s sovereignty to the West in exchange and that’s why it’s been targeted for regime change over the past year and a half. The replacement of the Georgian Dream with Western puppets would lead to “NGO”-propagated liberal-globalist values destroying their traditional society, hence the need for the foreign agents' law, but there are also geopolitical consequences.

President Biden Required Emergency Medical Attention While in Las Vegas

Jordan Schachtel

The Air Force One plane on its way back to the East Coast was "flying so fast it was shaking"

Biden needed emergency medical care during his stay in Las Vegas last week, and he was urgently taken out under the pretext of COVID-19, The Dossier writes. The author of the material refers to law enforcement officials and informed sources.

The Air Force One plane on its way back to the East Coast was "flying so fast it was shaking."

When President Joe Biden began his campaign trip to Las Vegas last week, everything seemed to be going as smoothly as it could for the 81-year-old president, who suffers from physical and cognitive impairments.

The day before Biden abruptly left town, he gave a keynote speech to nearly five thousand people at the NAACP National Convention at the Mandalay Bay Hotel. [He] was scheduled to speak at the annual UnidosUS conference at the MGM Grand on Wednesday, and thousands of people were awaiting his arrival. Because the event was held near the Las Vegas Strip (a seven-kilometer stretch of Las Vegas Boulevard in Clark County, Nevada. - Note to Foreign Media), the President's security detail and motorcade required outside support from the Las Vegas Police Department.

Kamala’s Coronation As The De Facto Democrat Nominee Dispelled Illusions About Democracy

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

The swiftness with which all of this unfolded points to a preplanned (but partially improvised) plot.

Biden’s X account shared a letter that he supposedly signed on Sunday announcing that he’s dropping his re-election campaign in favor of endorsing Kamala, which led to everyone from the Soroses to Hillary throwing their support behind her, with the notable exception of Obama. The New York Times (NYT) cited people close to him though who advised “not to read too much into it” since he supposedly wants to “position himself as an impartial elder statesman above intraparty machinations”.

The circumstances surrounding Biden’s decision are super controversial since he’s supposedly isolating after falling ill with COVID for a third time despite his multiple vaccinations and had reportedly felt backstabbed by the Obama-Pelosi duopoly’s plot to turn the media and party elites against him. The NYT described Obama as the “puppet master” of this operation and Pelosi as the “main instigator”, yet that’s all now being memory-holed, as is talk about Biden’s cognitive faculties since he hasn’t (yet?) resigned.

The elite were gaslighting up to the moment that he dropped out that they supposedly didn’t know about his senility till after his disastrous debate last month, which was intended to hide the fact that the country has been ruled by a shadowy liberal-globalist network throughout his entire presidency. Then Trump miraculously dodged an assassin’s bullet by less than in inch prior to picking JD Vance as his Vice President a few days later. This fast-moving sequence of events was detailed [here]:

The witch is back: ‘Killary’ Clinton tipped for run at presidency after Biden quits race

Michael Slovanos
Cairns News

Hillary Clinton described by Alex Jones
as “an evil, warmongering demon”.

SO US President Joe Biden has announced, as expected, that he will not run for re-election. The announcement comes on cue with appearances by several possible candidates, most notably Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Such a prospect for America and the world is unthinkable, but not for Democrats and their “special lady”. Our headline about “the witch” is not just a cheap shot. Clinton is known to have been actively involved in witchcraft, according to Larry Nichols, a former confidant of the family when they governed Arkansas.

Nichols said while Hillary’s “good times” husband and then governor Bill was doing cocaine at parties with local girls – between official duties – Hillary would head off to LA for days at a time when she partook in activities with some strange witches group.

In spiritual terms, Hillary Clinton certainly fits the profile of the biblical Jezebel, who took the throne with King Ahab during a time of political uncertainty in Israel. Ahab is a weak male figure, while Jezebel is the dominating schemer who manipulates him and organizes murders of prophets.

The shocking parallel is not so much Bill being the weak King Ahab character, but the dozens of suspicious deaths of associates of this couple. The notorious “Clinton body count” lists range from former Representative William Dannemeyer’s 24 to lawyer Linda Thompson’s 34.

Kremlin: "Monitoring developments" after Biden Drop-Out; "A lot can change"

Harold Turner
Hal Turner Show

The Kremlin says it is monitoring developments after US President Joe Biden dropped out of the 2024 US election, adding that a “lot can change” in the meantime. It was this website that reported on Friday, word was circulating the White House saying Biden would drop-out "by Sunday" (Story Here) Now, it has happened. After reporting today that Biden has actually dropped-out (Story Here) I must now also report the following concerning Russia.

The Kremlin has already planned for "change in American leadership" with respect to its ongoing Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine.

If a change in American leadership begets a reasonable, mature, responsible President, there is room for Russia to attempt trust again and negotiate.

If, however, the change in American leadership begets another foreign policy idiot - or worse, a pro-NATO Zealot - then there are very clear and precise steps Russia has already decided to take. None of them are good.

A few of the actions Russia will take are really bad; for Ukraine, Europe, the U.S., and the world economy. One step the Russians have already decided they may have to take, is unspeakable. So when the Kremlin announced today that it is monitoring developments, and that "a lot can change" they're not kidding.

The Kamala Harris dingbat, would beget the "really bad" changes because the Russians would rightly see her as a puppet whose strings are being pulled by the same shadowy figures now running the Biden regime. That would mean endless war for Russia, in Ukraine, and that is something the Russians simply will not be lured into. They will act decisively, and that means hugely bad news for Ukraine.

KCNA Commentary on Israel's Outrageous Territorial Expansion

KCNA Editorial
Korean Central News Agency

Amid the unabated bloodshed in the war-torn Middle East, the Israeli regime recently announced the seizure of 12.7 square km of Palestinian land in the West Bank under its occupation.

A settlement watchdog termed it the biggest-ever in 30 years, saying about 23.7 square km of land in the West Bank has been declared as part of Israel's "state territory" this year alone.

Furthermore, the Israeli regime approved a huge plan to expand the Israeli settlements into the center of the West Bank and legalize several settlements, asserting the border zone between the Gaza Strip and Egypt must remain under Israeli control even after the current conflict in the enclave comes to an end. This is just territorial plunder openly committed in the eyes of the international community.

The Shattered Illusion of Human Rights

Constantin von Hoffmeister

The French New Right thinker Alain de Benoist, unafraid to confront the abyssal truths that our so-called civilization dares not face, delivers a clinical dissection in his book Beyond Human Rights. It is not merely a critique but an incantation that unveils the unspeakable void behind the established justifications of so-called “human rights.” He beckons us to peer into the eldritch depths where the facade of human dignity disintegrates, revealing a cosmos indifferent and malevolent. His dreadful revelations can be encapsulated in several horrors:

Human rights, he reveals, are indefensible relics of a bygone era. The ancient talismans — invoking God, nature, and reason — have lost their potency. The notion of a divine creator fashioning humans in his likeness and bestowing upon them unique dignity is now the belief of a dwindling cult. Normative conceptions of nature crumble into dust, unable to sustain the illusion of a harmonious ideal or else painting only a brutal, survivalist order. And reason? It does not inexorably lead to the belief that all humans are entitled to equal rights. As Lovecraft might claim, mankind’s conceit is an affront to the ancient cosmic order, a mere flicker in the yawning chasm of infinity, where no such rights or dignities exist.

Universal human rights? They are more akin to a cultural hallucination, an insidious delusion spawned from the ancient and arcane traditions of the Stoics and Christians, yet alien to the vast, non-European realms of existence. This is not mere happenstance but the result of the human rights doctrine being fundamentally anti-political — supplanting the political with the juridical and moral — and intensely individualistic, exalting the individual above the community. Alien cultures gaze upon this with bewilderment, sensing the inhumanity in this misplaced idolization of the self.

Scholz orders closure of one of the opposition's largest media networks after interview with Zakharova

Ricardo Nuno Costa
New Eastern Outlook

On 16 July, Jürgen Elsässer (67) woke up startled at 6 a.m., opened the door of his house while still in his dressing gown, and in front of him were dozens of police officers, some with their faces covered, heavily armed, in a surreal image befitting any authoritarian state. However, it was in Brandenburg, on the outskirts of Berlin, in the Germany of the tragicomic Scholz government, aka the ‘Traffic Light’ coalition.

The police were about to raid his house, while more than 200 federal and Brandenburg state agents were deployed to carry out further searches in eight other houses and offices in the region. Other raids were carried out in the states of Saxony, Hesse and Saxony-Anhalt, ordered by Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD), who had ordered Compact to be closed by decree as an ‘association’, when it was legally a publishing house. She also banned any activity by the audiovisual company that produced Compact’s content, such as its YouTube, Facebook and Instagram accounts.

The minister later explained that Compact ‘incites hatred against Jews, against people with a history of migration and against our parliamentary democracy in an indescribable way’. According to the Ministry, the legal basis is the Law on Associations, according to which organisations that are directed against the free and democratic basic order can also be banned.

‘The ban shows that we are also taking action against intellectual arsonists who are fuelling a climate of hatred and violence against refugees and migrants and who want to bypass our democratic state,’ the minister explained. “Our message is very clear: we will not allow ethnicity to define who belongs in Germany and who does not. Our rule of law protects all those who are harassed because of their faith, their origin, the colour of their skin or even their democratic position.

As early as 2022, the German intelligence services (BND) considered that Compact, ‘as a multimedia company, conveys anti-democratic positions in society and against human dignity’, and since then, it has been classified as far-right by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and under suspicion.

Views In The West On The Prospects For Resolving The Ukrainian Crisis

Imran Salim
Oriental Review

The results of the jubilee summit of the Euro-Atlantic Alliance, which ended in Washington on July 11, 2024 and the adoption of political decisions and the final declaration, predictably demonstrated that NATO wants only victory for Ukraine and defeat for Russia. An unbiased analysis of the situation around the Russian–Ukrainian armed conflict over the past two and a half years of confrontation shows that this is an unattainable result neither now nor in the foreseeable future. If the collective West does not come to terms with this reality, then the most likely outcome for Kiev will be an imminent military defeat, which will entail the loss of territories of the entire left-bank Ukraine, including Kharkiv, Poltava, Dnipro and Chernihiv, as well as the loss of access to the Black Sea with the loss of Odessa and Nikolaev, rather than it was set in the mandatory conditions put forward by the Russian President in June this year, regarding possible negotiations on the Ukrainian crisis, including on the neutral, non-aligned and nuclear-free status of Ukraine.

Then Zelensky regarded these conditions as an ultimatum of capitulation. According to Western experts, without serious changes in the military objectives of the West and Ukraine, Putin‘s ultimatum has a high degree of implementation. Kiev‘s most realistic hope is to try to hold on to all the territories it currently has and try not to surrender any more land and negotiate a cessation of hostilities. But experts have to admit that it may be too late to achieve even such a limited result.

Passing Observations 256

Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc

1. President Biden has the sort of mask like face seen with Parkinson’s Disease. Is it remotely possible that he could be taking Levadopa for this condition? This drug can cause confusion. Is it remotely possible that Biden wants to remain President so that he can pardon his son and avoid prison? What a tragedy it is that both American Presidential candidates seem more suited to institutional care than another four years in the White House.

2. Nine out of ten British workers admit that they are practising `quiet quitting’ – they are doing the least amount of work they have to do to avoid being sacked. This is one reason why productivity in Britain is lowest in the world. Quiet quitting has cost the economy hundreds of millions and seems destined to continue. It is why no one much cares and nothing much gets done.

3. The Guardian newspaper claims that `the rich and powerful’ try to stop it publishing stories and complains about `lobby groups with opaque funding who are determined to undermine facts about the climate emergency and other established science’. Er, since when has there been any established science about the alleged climate emergency? Climate change is a dangerously subversive myth promoted by crazed billionaires, Bilderbergers and members of the World Economic Forum. And is this the same Guardian newspaper which has, since 2020, failed to encourage debate about the covid scandal and the toxic covid-19 vaccine? The Guardian is part of the mainstream media which has collectively suppressed free speech for years. The truth, of course, is that the covid-19 vaccine is toxic and never did what it was supposed to do. And the climate change story is a conveniently promoted myth. I bet you won’t read that discussed in The Guardian. The Guardian is part of the media establishment – and must stand in the dock alongside the BBC and the Daily Mail.

Pourquoi Joe Biden ne peut remporter l’élection américaine de novembre

Barthélémy Courmont

Le premier débat opposant les deux principaux candidats à l’élection présidentielle américaine de novembre 2024 s’est tenu le 27 juin soit, une fois n’est pas coutume, plus de cinq mois avant le scrutin. S’il fut comme prévu brutal, témoignant de la polarisation grandissante de la vie politique américaine et de l’animosité poussée à l’extrême entre les deux concurrents, il fut également, sans surprise, un exercice extrêmement difficile pour Joe Biden, qualifié de désastre ou de naufrage. Selon CNN, Donald Trump aurait ainsi « remporté » ce débat pour 67 % des personnes interrogées. Un résultat sans appel, quand on sait à quel point le candidat républicain est clivant. Hésitant, parfois incompréhensible, Joe Biden a offert la prestation la plus catastrophique de cet exercice médiatique depuis le premier du genre, opposant John F. Kennedy et Richard Nixon en 1960. En cause son état de santé, de plus en plus fréquemment commenté dans les médias, mais aussi son incapacité à élever le débat et à sortir du piège tendu par son adversaire. Déjà perceptible depuis le début des primaires en janvier 2024, la possibilité de voir Joe Biden être reconduit à la Maison-Blanche relève aujourd’hui du fantasme, sauf à considérer une improbable mise à l’écart pour raisons juridiques de Donald Trump ou une encore plus improbable mobilisation de l’électorat démocrate – sans oublier le soutien des indépendants, dont les votes seront comme souvent déterminants – derrière le président sortant.

Tandis que les conventions nationales animeront la vie politique américaine pendant l’été, le constat est sans appel : Joe Biden n’a quasiment aucune chance de remporter l’élection face à Donald Trump. Chronique d’une élection perdue d’avance, et libre désormais aux démocrates de trouver une solution.

Why George Clooney, Peter Welch, And The New York Times, Are Dangerous

Eric Zuesse
Oriental Review

 I opposed the invasion of Iraq by Bush in 2003 — which destroyed that country — even before it was perpetrated. George Clooney, Peter Welch, the New York Times, and other liars or fools of liars, did not.

 I opposed the bombing of Libya by Obama in 2011 — which destroyed that country — even before it was perpetrated. George Clooney, Peter Welch, the New York Times, annals of liars, did not.

 I opposed the U.S. arming of Al Qaeda in Syria to overthrow Assad in 2012 by Obama — which destroyed that country — even before it was perpetrated. George Clooney, Peter Welch, the New York Times, and other liars or fools of liars, did not.

 I opposed the U.S. coup that was perpetrated in 2014 by Obama, Clinton, and Biden, against Ukraine in order to place U.S. missiles there to blitz-nuke The Kremlin — which destroyed Ukraine — even before it was perpetrated. George Clooney, Peter Welch, the New York Times, and other liars or fools of liars, did not.

The Democratic Party is as flamingly neoconservative, pro-MIC, hawkish, and pro-U.S.-imperialism, as is the Republican Party; and, so, only a Second American Revolution that recognizes all Americans’ enemy as being right here at home — the super-rich who control all of the major ‘news’-media and the Government (both of its Parties) — and which Revolution removes them from the power they have to deceive the majority of the public and destroy nation after nation while the MIC-owners grow ever fatter feasting upon the blood and misery of others in other lands and upon the despair of the poor in our own, can be constructive in the present era when the U.S. behemoth is craving feverishly to control the entire world and to increase the annual aggression (‘defense’)-budget so high it will leave nothing left to spend for the public.

Rapprochement entre la Russie et la Corée du Nord : une menace sécuritaire en péninsule coréenne ?

Emmanuel Hache

Le 19 juin dernier, Vladimir Poutine et Kim Jong-un ont scellé, en Corée du Nord, un accord de défense mutuelle entre les pays, renforçant les liens que tissent Pyongyang et Moscou depuis l’automne dernier. Cet accord marque un tournant dans les relations entre les deux États, mais aussi entre la Corée du Sud et la Russie, accentuant davantage le risque sécuritaire au sein de la péninsule coréenne. Quels étaient les enjeux de la visite de Vladimir Poutine en Corée du Nord ? Comment la guerre en Ukraine aggrave-t-elle les tensions entre les deux Corées ? Comment Pékin a-t-il accueilli cette alliance stratégique entre Moscou et Pyongyang ? Éléments de réponse avec Barthélémy Courmont, directeur de recherche en charge du Programme Asie-Pacifique à l’IRIS.

Accueilli fastueusement à Pyongyang le 19 juin dernier, Vladimir Poutine a rencontré le dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong-un, neuf mois après la visite de ce dernier en Russie. Quels étaient les enjeux de ce déplacement ?
Quel état des lieux peut-on dresser des relations entre la Russie et la Corée du Nord ?

Cette visite officielle de Vladimir Poutine en Corée du Nord fut d’abord l’occasion de rappeler les engagements pris à l’automne dernier, lors d’une rencontre entre les deux dirigeants en Sibérie. Pyongyang avait alors engagé la fourniture de munitions (et peut-être d’armes) à la Russie pour son front en Ukraine. En contrepartie, Moscou avait promis un soutien technologique à la Corée du Nord dans le domaine spatial (et sans doute balistique). Cette fois, c’est un accord de défense qui est avancé, avec la promesse d’un soutien mutuel. Concrètement, cela signifie que la Corée du Nord va intensifier ses livraisons de matériel militaire à la Russie et soutient fermement son initiative en Ukraine. Cela suppose aussi que la Russie est désormais un allié de Pyongyang dans sa rivalité avec Séoul, ce qui n’était plus le cas depuis la fin de la Guerre froide et la disparition de l’Union soviétique. En conséquence, Moscou pourrait apporter une aide militaire à son allié dans le cas d’une escalade avec la Corée du Sud (et les États-Unis, mais aussi le Japon), voire une confrontation armée. Cela suppose également, et c’est une mauvaise nouvelle, que Moscou accepte de facto la nucléarisation de la Corée du Nord, déséquilibrant ainsi les efforts visant à engager un dialogue constructif sur cette question (même si ces derniers se sont montrés infructueux).

The Results of Narendra Modi’s Trip To Russia

Leonid Savin
Oriental Review

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was visiting
Moscow on July 8-9 to co-chair the 22nd Russia-
India Annual Summit with President Vladimir Putin.

The 22nd annual Russia–India Summit took place in Moscow.

Arriving in Moscow on July 8, Prime Minister Narendra Modi called Russia India‘s “all-weather friend” and praised President Vladimir Putin‘s leading role in strengthening bilateral relations over the past two decades. The Prime minister also said that for a long time, the world had witnessed an “influence-oriented global order” “But, what the world needs right now is confluence not influence and no one can deliver this message better than India which has a strong tradition of worshipping confluences,” Modi said.

How can these words be interpreted? At first glance, the Indian Prime Minister calls for a kind of convergence. However, the East is a delicate matter, and this phrase can be interpreted both as a fusion of several streams and as a mutual influence.

At a meeting with the Indian diaspora in Moscow on July 9, Modi stressed that “Indians in Russia are strengthening bilateral ties by contributing to the development of Russian society... As soon as they hear the word ‘Russia’, every Indian thinks that it is a trustable friend; a friend in joy and sorrow…“

New Agenda of Russia-India Relations

Alexey Kupriyanov
Russian Council (RIAC)

The last time Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited Russia to meet President Vladimir Putin was almost five years ago, in September 2019. The following year, the pandemic broke out, and the Russian leader did not pay a return visit until December 2021. A few months later, the Ukraine crisis began, and since then the annual bilateral summits have been unofficially put on pause. Now, finally, Modi is coming to Russia again—and this meeting is likely to be quite different from all previous ones, because over the past two years, India–Russia relations have undergone a transformation that would have been hard to imagine even five years ago.

Still a Polycentric World — In the previous decade and a half, Russian and Indian political and expert circles have shaped consistent narratives describing the present and future of bilateral relations. While Russian experts nostalgically recalled the good times of Soviet–Indian friendship and deplored the stagnation of trade, Indian experts looked at the situation more pragmatically. Russia in their worldview was an important balancer, helping to escape an excessive bias of Indian policy toward the most promising non-regional partner—the United States. In addition, a further weakening of Moscow, which could push it toward an alliance with Beijing, was seen as a major risk. In the latter case, resource-rich Russia might turn into a multiplier of Chinese power, which was in direct conflict with India’s foreign policy interests. As a result, developing political dialogue with Russia and forming a new polycentric world in which Moscow, as one of the world centers, would be a reliable partner for New Delhi, fully met India’s strategic goals.

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