Harris breaks fundraising record proving Americans are mindless woke sheep

Editor thepeoplesvoice.org
The People's Voice

US Vice President Kamala Harris has received $81 million in contributions in the first 24 hours since Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 presidential race and endorsed her candidacy.

According to the campaign, it has received more than 888,000 contributions from “grassroots donors,” 60% of whom have donated for the first time during the 2024 election cycle.

“The historic outpouring of support for Vice President Harris represents exactly the kind of grassroots energy and enthusiasm that wins elections,” campaign spokesperson Kevin Munoz said.

Separately, Future Forward – the largest Democratic political action committee in the US – told Politico magazine on Monday that it has received $150 million in new commitments from major donors in the last 24 hours.

⚡ The average American cannot think critically. They believe the lies told by CNN, MSNBC, big tech, and Google. They are a danger to those around them and the world. The globalist media has convinced Americans to eat shit and like the taste. They believe their Constitution is a racist document and their flag a Nazi flag.

⚡ Americans deserve the next rigged 2024 election and the complete destruction of their country and way of life by the globalist puppet democrats. If Trump doesn't win the election, the sane half of America should try to find someplace on the earth to escape to.

The fact that so many Americans are supporting the democrats proves they are mindless 'woke' sheep who also...

  Want to pay three times more for food, gasoline, and rent.
  Want rampant inflation and the economic destruction of America.
  Want higher taxes and hundreds of billions of dollars spent on endless wars.
  Want millions of illegals, rapists, murderers, and gang members pouring into America.
  Want the Mexican mafia dealing in drugs and prostitution in all fifty states.
  Want over one hundred thousand Americans dying each year from Chinese fentanyl.
  Want guns removed, criminals released, shoplifting legalized, and police defunded.
  Want dissenting opinions criminalized as hate speech and racism.
  Want freedom of speech, the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the America flag removed.
  Want Christians labeled as terrorists and watched and persecuted by the FBI.
  Want American patriots and Trump supporters persecuted as potential terrorists.
  Want men participating in women's sports, using women's locker rooms and bathrooms.
  Want homosexuality, transgenderism, and Marxism taught in schools and universities.
  Want children mutilated in sex change surgeries carried out without parents permission.
  Want human trafficking and sex slavery in the United States.
  Want pedophilia and the legalized sale of children for sex.
  Want the woke democrat Marxist ideological destruction of America.


Image: © Getty Images. AWIP: http://www.a-w-i-p.com/index.php/aR8Y


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