Kamala's Message of Joy

Walter Gelles

"Kamala Harris laughing as America burns"

Kamala and Tim want joy
for every girl and boy.
That's their dirty ploy.

JOY as the cost of living
goes ever higher and higher
because of the Kamala/Biden wars
which their puppet-masters desire.

JOY for the Palestinians
as we flatten their land
and bomb their women and children.
We're sure they'll understand.
Her bosom swells with pride
while she funds Netanyahu's genocide.
(Kamala's fake compassion is bland
as she hugs Katy Perry and Ariana Grande.)

JOY for 30 million illegals
she let across the border.
She gives them free money and credit cards
so they'll vote for the Democrats' New World Order.

JOY for the hundreds of thousands of children
who DISAPPEARED in the border-crossing
into forced labor, sexual exploitation
under evil Kamala's watch.
In bed she isn't turning and tossing.

JOY for the Zionist warmongers
who control both houses of Congress
and both parties too...It's rule by Jew,
AIPAC's power is humungous.

JOY for the nazi thug Zelensky
who Kamala keeps on giving millions
in Washington's senseless war against Russia
costing the taxpayer untold billions.

Tim and Kamala's Call For Joy
is slicker than Obama's "Hope And Change".
That phony divisive racist is smoooth
though his wife, Big Mike, is certainly strange.

Tim's wife liked the smell of burning tires
as Black Lives Matter destroyed her city.
Kamala helped bail out the rioters---
To punish them would be such a pity!

Tampon Tim with his wokeist trash
will help keep Kamala rolling in cash.
Send her back to India, please!
America doesn't need this disease.

Tim and Kamala's "Joy and Hope"
might fool the average American dope
who's blind to their country being destroyed
and sinking into an immoral void.

Trump is a schlump and a hot-air balloon
whose ego is his top priority.
But even he'd be better than Kamala
though the Media's trying to plaster over
her hollowness and inferiority.

"Joy to the World and Peace on Earth."
Kamala's non-stop lies
reveal her true colors---and her true worth.


Originally published at LewRockwell.com. Image: © mccloud316 / DeviantArt24
AWIP: http://www.a-w-i-p.com/index.php/2024/08/27/kamala-s-message-of-joy


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