U.S. and UK to Officially Approve Long-range Attacks Into Pre-war Russia

Harold Turner
Hal Turner Show

 US Secretary of State Blinken & UK Foreign Secretary David Lammy, will travel to Kyiv to inform Ukraine that restrictions on use of long-range missiles against Russian territory will be lifted.

 Initially, this will mean that American-supplied ATACMS (Advanced Tactical Missile System) along with British-supplied "StormShadow" missiles, and French-supplied "SCALP" missiles, can now be used to attack deep inside pre-war Russia.

How much longer can any reasonable person expect Russia, to sit back and allow itself to be attacked with American, British, French, and German weaponry, fired by Ukraine?

In the real world, if persons "A" and "B" give a weapon to person "C," and person "C" goes out and uses that weapon to commit an act of violence...and gets arrested...they then ask Person "C" "Where did you get this weapon?" When person "C" tells them, the very NEXT people to get arrested are persons "A" and "B."

There is liability and culpability for what the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and NATO member countries, are doing. They are accessories before the fact.

False Flag Attacks: The “Strategy of Tension” in the Cold War Period

Daniele Ganser
Journal of 9/11 Studies

The “Strategy of Tension” in the Cold War Period *

[06/02/14] Historians today and in the coming years face a challenging task: they must write the history of the events of September 11, 2001. What they write will be taught in history classes. But what will they write? Will they write that Osama Bin Laden sent 19 Muslims to launch a surprise attack on the U.S.? Or will they write that the administration of President George W. Bush was responsible for the attack, either constructing it or deliberately permitting it in order to shock the U.S. population and to create a pretext for increasing military spending and attacking Afghanistan and Iraq?

Having examined much of the data related to the 9/11 events, I am convinced a new and thorough investigation is needed. But when I have questioned the official narrative of 9/11 in my native Switzerland I have encountered vigorous objections from people. Why would any government in the world, they have asked, attack its own population or, only slightly less criminal, deliberately allow a foreign group to carry out such an attack? While brutal dictatorships, such as the regime of Pol Pot in Cambodia, are known to have had little respect for the life and dignity of their citizens, surely a Western democracy, the thinking goes, would not engage in such an abuse of power. And if criminal elements within a Western democracy, in North America or in Europe, had engaged in such a crime, would not elected officials or the media find out and report on it? Is it imaginable that criminal persons within a government could commit terrorist operations against innocent citizens, who support the very same government with the taxes they pay every year? Would nobody notice? These are difficult questions, even for academics who specialize in the history of secret warfare. But in fact, there are historical examples of such operations being implemented by Western democracies.

In this essay, I will not deal directly with 9/11 but will look at what we can learn from history. I will report on some of the newest academic data about secret warfare during the Cold War. A secret military strategy that targets domestic populations with terrorism does indeed exist. It is called the “strategy of tension.” And it was implemented by Western democracies.

The US “Special Relationship” with Israel: Abject Enslavement

Kevin Barrett
Kevin’s Newsletter for AFP

I recently returned to the USA after a year-long absence, having taken up residence in exotic Morocco last July. Unfortunately I had a tight connection at LAX, which became even tighter when US Customs and Border Protection singled me out for interrogation.

It seems that interesting stuff always pops up on government screens when they enter my name. How else would they know that I am a writer known for questioning the official story of 9/11? “So who did it?” the agent asked. “Israel,” I answered without hesitation.

A split second later, I was cursing myself for my impulsive honesty, brought on by sleeplessness and jet lag: “If that CPB agent is a Zionist, they’ll hold me for hours and I’ll never make my connection!”

Fortunately the agent took no offense and released me just in time to catch my flight. Apparently America isn’t a complete Zionist-occupied totalitarian hellhole yet.

But we’re getting there. A sign of the times was Israeli PM Netanyahu’s speech to Congress July 24. The good news is that 92 lawmakers boycotted the genocidal war criminal’s speech. The bad news is that the other 443 senators and representatives offered repeated standing ovations.

Why did more than 4/5ths of America’s lawmakers passionately salute the worst war criminal of the 21st century? Why the nauseatingly obsequious demonstration of loyalty to a genocidal foreign entity? It all comes down to what is euphemistically called the US-Israel “special relationship.”

CNN Shared A Glimpse Of Just How Bad Everything Has Become For Ukraine

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

The Ukrainian Armed Forces are in the midst of converging crises caused by the failed counteroffensive, the forcible conscription policy, and Zelensky’s Kursk blunder, which are leading to more desertions, defeats, and ultimately more desperation.

CNN carried out a rare act of journalistic service with their detailed report about how “Outgunned and outnumbered, Ukraine’s military is struggling with low morale and desertion”. It candidly describes the numerous problems afflicting the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) at this pivotal moment in the conflict as they continue to occupy part of Kursk but are still losing ground in Donbass. Their story begins by introducing a battalion commander who lost most of the around 800 men under his control.

This figure couldn’t take it anymore and thus transferred to a cushy military administrative job in Kiev. He and the five others who CNN spoke to when researching their report informed them that “desertion and insubordination are becoming a widespread problem, especially among newly recruited soldiers.” In the words of one commander, “Not all mobilized soldiers are leaving their positions, but the majority are…They either leave their positions, refuse to go into battle, or try to find a way to leave the army.”

The reader is then informed that these troops are forcibly conscripted, thus adding context to why they desert, but they also claimed that morale problems began to infect the armed forces’ ranks during the now-resolved impasse over more American aid to Ukraine. While that likely played a role, CNN conspicuously omits to mention last summer’s failed counteroffensive, which proved that Ukraine is unable to reconquer its lost lands despite all the hype and the aid that it received up until that point.

Moving along after having clarified the real reason behind the UAF’s plunging morale over the past year, drones have made the battlefield more unbearable than before, and the amount of time between rotations has grown since some troops simply can’t leave their positions without risking their lives. CNN then added that “In just the first four months of 2024, prosecutors launched criminal proceedings against almost 19,000 soldiers who either abandoned their posts or deserted”.

The State Is Not Your Friend!

J.B. Shurk
American Thinker

Right now, the United Kingdom is barreling toward totalitarianism. After a second-generation immigrant reportedly murdered several children in a vicious stabbing attack last week, native Brits took to the streets to denounce their country’s criminally dangerous open borders. If these outraged citizens had been members of Antifa, the press would have compassionately framed their actions as “mostly peaceful protests” deserving of praise.

Instead, because the public’s fury is directed toward one of globalism’s sacred cows — mass migration — angry parents have been condemned for fomenting “violent riots.” Protecting children from serial killers and sexual predators, it seems, is not “politically correct.” Of course, anyone familiar with the Rotherham grooming scandal already knew that

The problem, according to the ruling Establishment, is not that open border immigration policies have led to marked increases in violent crime and cultural hostility, but rather that ordinary citizens have begun to express their displeasure. Commie Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has announced a two-pronged solution for combatting public dissent: (1) increased social media censorship and (2) widespread implementation of facial recognition technology to beef up the U.K.’s already robust mass surveillance.

Ukraine’s Volhynia Genocide Dispute With Poland Is Once Again A Problem In Their Ties

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

Poles fear that their elite will sell out the Volhynia Genocide victims to Ukraine for hubristic geopolitical and economic reasons that’ll result in whitewashing this World War II-era crime.

Ukraine has no realistic chance of joining the EU anytime soon since it doesn’t meet the bloc’s criteria, but another obstacle has unexpectedly emerged, and that’s the Volhynia Genocide dispute with Poland. Kiev refuses to recognize the World War II-era slaughter of over 100,000 ethnic Poles in that region and Eastern Galicia as genocide and has dragged its feet on exhuming the victims’ remains. This issue catapulted back to the forefront of their ties after its Foreign Minister’s provocative comments last week.

Kuleba Equated Ukraine’s Genocide Of Poles With Poland’s Forcible Resettlement Of Ukrainians” when attempting to deflect from a question about this, which provoked the indignation of so many Poles that their German-backed Ukrainophile Prime Minister felt forced to condemn what he said. Tusk described it as “unequivocally negative” and pledged that “Ukraine, one way or another, will have to meet Poland’s expectations” on this issue.

The irony though is that Tusk oversaw the signing of a Polish-Ukrainian security pact over the summer that included a controversial clause about standardizing their historical curricula, which was analyzed at the time as implying that Poland planed to whitewash the genocide that it commemorates yearly. The only reason why he’s now demanding historical justice is because he fears that trying to sweep the issue under the rug after Kuleba’s comments could harm his party ahead of next year’s presidential elections.

Purges of Labour Have Mutated Into the Arrest of Palestine Supporters

Jonathan Cook
Jonathan Cook Blog

Britain’s authoritarian new prime minister is expanding the scope of already draconian laws to redefine his critics as ‘supporters’ of terrorism

The arrest yesterday of Palestine solidarity activist Sarah Wilkinson, following the arrest of journalist Richard Medhurst last week – both based on an improbable claim they have violated Section 12 of the Terrorism Act – is definitive proof that Keir Starmer’s authoritarian purges of the Labour left are being rolled out against critics on a nationwide basis.

Now safely ensconced in No 10, Starmer can crush the basic rights of British citizens with as much relish as he earlier pummelled the remnants of democracy inside the Labour party – and for much the same reason.

The British prime minister is determined to terrorise into silence critics highlighting his, and now his government’s, complicity with Israel and its genocide in Gaza.

Starmer would rather dramatically expand the scope of already draconian “counter-terrorism” laws than act against the wishes of the United States, either by stopping arms sales to a fascist Israeli government led by Benjamin Netanyahu or by joining South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice.

There, judges have already ruled that the slaughter of tens of thousands of Palestinians over the past 11 months is a “plausible genocide”. The next step is for South Africa and the many states backing it to persuade the World Court that the genocide is proven beyond doubt.

The usual Israel lobby ghouls, such as David Collier, have been salivating over Wilkinson’s arrest. She faces up to 14 years in jail for supposedly “supporting” a proscribed organisation – namely, Hamas.

Alt-Media Can Make Biden & The Democrats’ Corruption In Ukraine Their Defining Legacy

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

There are many passionate investigative journalists who could ensure that this becomes Biden and the Democrats’ defining legacy if they dedicate their lives to exposing them.

21stCenturyWire published an intriguing report over the weekend about how “Austrian Court Case Reveals More Evidence of Biden, Democrat Corruption in Ukraine”. The gist is that Austria ruled against the US’ requested extradition of a prominent Ukrainian businessman in 2015 on the basis that it couldn’t prove his guilt, plus the documents that he shared in his support proved “the blatant political overtones” of the case. Readers can learn more about the details upon reviewing the preceding hyperlinked report.

What’s sufficient for casual observers to know is that a GOP victory in November could lead to the political will required to thoroughly investigate Biden’s meddling in Ukraine during his time as Obama’s Vice President. This sequence of events can’t be taken for granted though since Trump might lose and/or the Republicans might not win Congress. He declined to investigate Hillary during his first term despite his infamous call to “lock her up” so he might not investigate Biden either if he wins again.

The Submissive, Holy March to the Broomsticks

George Eaton
Rumor Mills News

The Submissive, Holy March to the Broomsticks - Financed by Our Government and Blessed by Our Religions

The Israelis gather up Palestinian men in the West Bank this time, and take them to prison for the "broomstick" treatment, where their intestines are ripped apart and they bleed to death. This is the treatment the Israeli public, the clergy, the government and the military openly support against, what they call "human animals".

This is the holy, blessed and superior government of God himself that the great majority of US politicians fully support, as well as the religions in America. After all, they are told that to bless Israel is to be blessed. A decent people would be against this. Our constitution is against cruel and unusual punishments. Just saying. If we are not under our constitution whose laws are we under?

Serbia’s French Warplane Deal Discredits Vucic’s Earlier Color Revolution Claim

Andrew Korybko
Andrew Korybko's Newsletter

He wouldn’t have gone through with this $3 billion deal if he really thought that the West was trying to overthrow him like he claimed less than a month ago.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic surprised observers when he announced during a meeting with his French counterpart in Belgrade last week that he agreed to a $3 billion deal to buy 12 Rafale warplanes. The reason why this was so unexpected is that his government had recently accused the West of orchestrating an ultimately failed Color Revolution against him in early August that he claimed Russia had also warned him about right beforehand.

It was explained here at the time why “The Serbian Government Is Inadvertently Responsible For The Latest Color Revolution Intrigue”, which drew attention to the legitimate grievances that some patriotic members of its population have against him. These include taking steps that can be interpreted as de facto recognition of Kosovo’s “independence”, voting against Russia at the UN, and allegedly arming Ukraine. Nevertheless, the West still wants a fully compliant puppet, not someone with semi-autonomy.

The last-mentioned observation accounts for why they still kindle Color Revolution unrest in Serbia, though Vucic’s French warplane deal suggests that he doesn’t take it as seriously as he makes it seem. After all, if he was really concerned about being overthrown through weaponized protests like Slobodan Milosevic before him, then he’d have presumably pulled Serbia out of large-scale military talks with the West like the ones that it was engaged in with France up until now.

France stoops to hostage-taking of Telegram’s Pavel Durov

Strategic Culture Foundation Editorial
Strategic Culture Foundation

At a time when the U.S.-led NATO proxy war in Ukraine against Russia has entered a disastrous phase of defeat, the Western elite must shut down all and every critical media.

Absurd charges of complicity in crimes are a cover for closing down free speech and information critical of Western regimes. It’s as simple and as tyrannical as that.

Telegram owner Pavel Durov could be held in France for years while an investigation is carried out. If found guilty, he then faces 10 years in jail. There are sinister echoes of the persecution of Julian Assange in this case.

Telegram founder and owner, Pavel Durov (39) was arrested on August 24 by French police officers as he stepped off his private jet that had landed in Le Bourget airport, north of Paris. He had flown from Azerbaijan.

After four days in custody, Durov was released on Wednesday on condition of paying a €5 million bond and not leaving France for the duration of a cybercrime investigation. Durov lives in Dubai where he has Emirati citizenship, in addition to Russian and French nationality.

The French authorities charge him with complicity in crimes ranging from administering a social platform that permits criminal organizations to conduct drug trafficking and distribution of child pornography. He is also charged with not cooperating with law enforcement to curb criminal networks. His defense counsel denies all charges and maintains that Telegram has abided by all European regulations governing digital media.

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