Whatever Perversion of Life They Desire

Editor thepeoplesvoice.org
The People's Voice

When people are convinced of the normalcy of abominations, they will submit to any cruelty desired by the State.

The Biden-Harris administration's 'America Last' policies have intentionally left the country vulnerable. Biden and Harris drained the strategic petroleum reserve and sent hundreds of billions in cash and weapons to Ukraine. The regime sent vital electrical transformers to Ukraine that had been stored away for exactly such disasters as Hurricane Helene.

Biden and Harris spent 640 million dollars, nearly all the FEMA funds intended for emergency preparedness on their precious illegal immigrant voters. Now when the American people desperately need assistance with Hurricane Helene, FEMA is 'broke.' FEMA doesn't have any money left for hurricane season, which typically lasts through November.

In a shocking firsthand account, a SpaceX engineer in storm-battered North Carolina reveals that Biden and Harris blocked shipments by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), of critical goods for relief efforts into the storm-battered region. It appears to be the intention of Biden and Harris to destroy American communities, infrastructure, and the American people.

"We can see what can be, unburdened by what has been." The Marxist phrase often quoted by Harris highlights a common theme in revolutionary thought: The necessity of destroying the existing socio-economic infrastructure to build a new communist Marxist state. They intend total physical, economic, psychological, and ideological change.

The little democrat communist crony capitalist hypocrite AOC was a poor bartender in a New York dive before being selected to office. Now suddenly worth thirty million dollars, she frequently uses the Carl Marx quote: "We have a world to win", meaning, 'a world to subvert'. Their corrupt vision won't be constrained by historical, traditional, or moral American values.

The democrats and their Marxist school teachers are removing all references to the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Pledge of Allegiance from the American education curriculum. Constitutional laws and rights are anathema to Communism. The minds of American youth must be unburdened and cleansed of these traditional concepts.

To teach the meaning of the Pledge of Allegiance in the simplest of terms within our Marxist Communist schools is completely contrary to their plan. Those students who attempt to keep old ideas like the Pledge of Allegiance alive are harshly punished, not just with suspension but with expulsion. In this way, Marxist teachers will destroy the twin concepts of love of country and freedom of speech. In a few years, the Pledge of Allegiance will be perceived as an offensive and passé cultural oddity.

Inevitably the outcome of America's communist revolution will go the way of Pol Pot's killing fields and China's organ harvesting of Christians. Being "unburdened" by concepts like freedom of speech and Constitutional rights will result in profound suffering for the American people and possibly the world.

Thus, Harris’s statement, "We can see what can be, unburdened by what has been," becomes a justification for the destruction of current institutions that she swore an oath to ‘uphold and defend’. The democrats are now tearing down the most basic societal norms such as a woman's right to privacy in a bathroom and women's right to compete against other women in athletic events.

The purpose of this societal assault is to destroy all logic and morality. People will be psychologically broken and stripped of old values and norms so they will accept the most extreme and offensive of dictates. American women will allow men to see them naked in locker rooms. Men will compete against women in sports events beating women to death in boxing and rugby matches simply because they claim to identify as women.

When people are convinced of the normalcy of abominations, they will submit to any cruelty desired by the State. Thus, the communists and global elite will be culturally "unburdened by what has been," and will mold humanity into whatever perversion of life they desire. This fits precisely with the Frankfurt School’s concept: “Aufheben der Kultur” (Destroy the Culture).

Harris and the democrats are guilty of treason however the people are so confused they don't see it. Cicero's two-thousand-year-old warning said it quite well: "A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely..." America will not survive democrat communist treason.

"Allowing this to go on for 3+ years is not just impeachable, it's treason." - Elon Musk. We are witnessing the intentional economic and cultural destruction of a nation. Whoever votes for Harris and the Democrats is worse than stupid, they are coconspirators and traitors.


Image: © The People's Voice. AWIP: http://www.a-w-i-p.com/index.php/aS7w


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