Iran's "Axis of Resistance"

Harold Turner
Hal Turner Show

A Bill has been introduced in the Iran Parliament which would create an official military alliance between Iran and its "Axis of Resistance" to Israeli Occupation and ongoing aggressions.

The Bill would formalize the Axis of Resistance into a Military Bloc to confront and defeat the ongoing Israeli Genocide and Crimes against humanity.

Israel has been using fighter jets to drop 2,000-pound bombs onto Apartment buildings, Hospitals, Schools, private homes, and even refugee camps in the Gaza Strip for over one year. The world has done almost nothing to stop it.

Even the World Court (International Court of Justice) has not reined in the ongoing Genocide in Gaza, which has claimed the lives of at least forty-one-thousand (41,000) men, women, and children in Gaza. Efforts to issue an arrest warrant against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and others in the Israeli regime, have hit all sorts of international political interference; and have, to date, proven useless.

Emboldened by its supporters, Israel has recently begun bombing Beirut, Lebanon.

In one attack, Israel reportedly dropped eleven ground-penetrating (Bunker Buster) bombs, which flattened six entire eight-story apartment buildings, so they could destroy the headquarters of the Hezbollah political party, which they call a "terrorist" group. That attack killed Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah since 1992.

Hezbollah (Party of God), is a political party that holds seats in the Lebanon legislative body. Hezbollah was formed in 1982 to fight off the then-ongoing attacks by Israel in Lebanon. Hezbollah was successful.

After its leader, Nasrallah, was bombed to death by Israel last month, Hezbollah then elected a new leader and within six (6) days, Israel dropped twenty (20) ground-penetrating bombs on yet another large apartment building complex, flattening those buildings, killing the families inside, which also killed the newly-elected leader of Hezbollah. There was no criminal charge against that new leader. There was no accusation that he was responsible for any crime or act of violence toward Israel or anyone else. Yet Israel sent its air force to blow him up, and they did, killing him.


The book's definition of "terrorism" is the use of force and violence to effect political change.

By bombing the second apartment complex to kill the new political leader of Hezbollah, Israel perpetrated the crime of "terrorism." They killed Hizballah's new leader without accusation of criminality, without arrest, without criminal charge, without indictment, without a trial, without showing any EVIDENCE to anyone, without a jury verdict, without a judgment of sentence from a court. NONE of those acts of "Due Process" took place, yet Israel killed the guy anyway, and killed a slew of innocent families too. By perpetrating this act, the state of Israel has proven itself an ACTUAL "Terrorist" organization.

Here in the United States and very many other places in the world, "material support of terrorism" is a Felony crime, punishable by prison.

Thus, members of the United States House of Representatives, members of the United States Senate, the US Secretary of Defense, the Commanding Officers in the Pentagon et. al. who have been providing weaponry to Israel, KNOWING that weaponry has then been used to perpetrate terrorist attacks, may be guilty of "material support of terrorism."

The federal election comes next month, and the U.S. will elect a new President. The President is the chief law enforcement officer of the federal government, and it is his Executive Branch of government that is the sole decision-maker when it comes to deciding who gets criminally prosecuted and who does not.

Elected officials in the United States would do well to bear this in mind as the coming days and weeks unfold. If they continue to provide material support to Israel, while Israel is using that material support to commit acts of terrorism, then those people here in the US could find themselves in handcuffs, being carted off to jail to face criminal charges.

Given what many of those elected officials have been doing the past few years to oppose the likely new incoming President (Trump), they would have no goodwill and no friendship with him to perhaps offset a criminal prosecution. In fact, Trump may find such prosecutions to be very useful to him if he wins the election.

This brings us back to Iran, and a pending Bill in its legislature, to formally militarize an alliance of the "Axis of Resistance." If the world will do nothing to stop the ongoing Genocide in Gaza and the new bombings in Lebanon, and the International Court can do nothing to arrest Israeli officials under the Geneva Convention, then the only solution is military action to stop the Israeli onslaught.

Iran seems to be taking that formal step. If they do, this will likely mark the end of the Israeli terrorist regime, and its enabler, the United States.


Image: © South Front. AWIP:


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