A Fight To The Finish

Walter Gelles

Note: This piece points up Kamala Harris's sheer hypocrisy, as well as the sell-out of Trump, Harris, and RFK Jr. on the "Palestine problem." It also highlights the vast undercount of the official death toll. 40,000? 300,000 murdered thus far by Zionist Jews supported by the US and UK is much closer to reality.[*] The Vietnam War-era chant against mass murderer Lyndon Johnson ("How many kids did you kill today?") has been updated to reflect America's ongoing wars against Russia and Palestine. Why aren't millions of people out in the streets of every major US and European city demanding an end to BOTH of these criminal campaigns?

Hey hey, Kamala Harris,
how many kids did you kill today?
Hey hey, Donald Trump,
how many kids will you kill each day?
Hey hey RFK,
you sold out, sad to say.

Netanyahu gets standing ovations
as Congress fawns in adulation
and applauds his abominations.
Bibi The Genocider gets his way---
most of Congress in Israel's pay.
The genocide rages day by day.
Netanyahu, Zelensky --- two neo-nazi thugs.
America warmly embraces them
with billions of dollars and kisses and hugs.
America's dirty wars drag on
and will...after senile Biden is gone.
Russia is America's bogeyman.
Destroying Russia was always the plan.
Instead the US may well destroy
every child, woman and man.

Hey hey Kamala Harris,
how many lies did you tell today?

Killing children with deadly vaccines
and Palestinians who got in the way.
Scammala, you've destroyed the USA
with your Open Borders and rampant crime.
You've brought the world to the brink of destruction.
Go drink some more Chardonnay.
300,000 Palestinians killed in Gaza's Zionist slaughter.*
You and Biden made it happen
with bombs and missiles made to order.
Even though cretinous Taylor Swift
may give your PR campaign a lift
the people see through your blatant lies,
your murderousness and your alibis.
Your "Joy" mantra's a pathetic joke.
Inflation made it go up in smoke,
inflation caused by your criminal wars
which every rational person abhors.

Hey, you Evangelicals,
News Flash: Jesus ain't coming back
to your bloodied Middle East
because you stabbed Palestine in the back.
Your far-fetched fantasy is way off-track
but Mossad-owned Trump needs your support
so he can help Israel "finish the job"
working for the Deep State blob.

Is World War 3 on the horizon?
Washington's pushing hard and fast
to have a real nuclear blast.
This war will be humanity's last.
Goodbye London. Goodbye New York.
Nuclear winter is cold and dark.
You're the ones who lit the spark.

Is World War 3 around the corner?
No one really seems to mind.
They play on their cell phones or watch TV.
The News Media keeps them dumb and blind---
It's under CIA control.
America long ago lost its soul.


[*] Let's get real about the huge death toll undercount in Gaza and the West Bank: Ralph Nader:

💬 “In Gaza, it’s predicted that Over 500,000 Palestinians will be Dead by the end of 2024”! (Source)

💬 "As the head of the global health department at the University of Edinburgh said in an article in The Guardian the other day, there’s going to be half a million Gazans who are going to die before the end of this year, not only from the bombing, but from the effect of the bombing in terms of the destruction of the healthcare system, infectious diseases, polluted water, diarrhea, which little children — which is often a high rate of fatality, and very quickly — lack of any food, no shelter, 85% of the 2.3 million people homeless. They have no connection to sanitation, food, protection, the winter elements. My estimate now is at least 100,000 have died. And more will die every day because of the effects that I’ve just described." (Source)

💬 "Then came the December 29, 2023 opinion piece in The Guardian by the chair of global public health at the University of Edinburgh, Devi Sridhar. She predicted half a million deaths in 2024 if conditions continue unabated. In recent days, the situation has become more dire." --Yves Smith - Fourth World blog (posted March 6,2024)

Poem originally published at LewRockwell.com. Image: © Truth Be Told with Don V
AWIP: http://www.a-w-i-p.com/index.php/2024/09/25/a-fight-to-the-finish


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