Government, Religion, Voting, and Professional Wrestling as One and the Same

Gary D. Barnett
Gary D. Barnett Substack

Trump's McDonald's Visit Was One of the Greatest Political
Stunts of All Time, Thanks to Kamala’s Blunder

“They want you poor, so they can be rich.
They want you weak, so they can be powerful.
They want you dumb, so they can be smart.
They want you guilty, so they can be innocent.
You cannot realize it, but you’re nothing more than a slave.”

~ Maria Karvouni

The fakery of life is a constant, whether at the top of the power pyramid or at the bottom of the common herd. The differences however, are stark, as the powerful control the narrative. The reporting criminals, those called the mainstream media, (and the pretend alternative media) are meant to support the top tier to the detriment of the all others. They abuse all those who listen, by promoting all the lies necessary to appease the collective crowd of fools, making them impotent in the face of tyranny. By these tactics, the media whores strive to protect the criminal state that supports them. The guilty are held out as 'gods,' while the innocents are treated as prisoners of society. As Steven McGee clearly stated, "Lies are the American way,' especially when any politicians, government, organized religion, or media speaks.

There is a very good reason why 'religion' is included in this mix, as organized religion and the State, have over many millennia, worked individually or together as one, in order to rule the masses. This is not arguable, and given the distant past, religion and its high-level hierarchy, used its claimed false power to lord over the plebiscites in the name of being a direct line to the 'gods.' This of course is asinine, but then, when the people at large are this easy to fool, enslavement is the result. This is not meant to criticize or condemn the personal or spiritual beliefs of any, as that is for each individual to decide, but it should not be due to indoctrination and force, or psychological brainwashing through fear techniques.

So as it seems, all politics, government, organized religion, and voting are most definitely akin to the farce of the pro wrestling fakery, except that pro wrestling is not attempting to rule and control its subjects. That spectacle is at least voluntary, whereas the political arena in all its forms, is based on lies, propaganda, control, deceit, perversion, and murder. Any comparison to staged entertainment will certainly be restricted to the idea of deception, as the State's agendas are not voluntary, they are sinister, but the essence of rule cannot sustain or function, unless voluntary servitude is accepted by the masses.

With that said, we are on the verge of yet another criminal 'election,' with the choices (not that it matters) being between a deep-state narcissistic control freak, and a far left-wing communist provocateur. Neither of these so-called 'candidates,' has more than a couple of brain cells to rub together, but beyond that, they are completely controlled and extremely dangerous. Regardless of the unbelievable stupidity of voting for one or the other of these pieces of garbage, I am nearly certain that the turnout of registered voters, will likely exceed every other 'election' to date. This in and of itself, is reason to abandon any notion that the masses are "waking up." There are no clear signs whatsoever that the people at large are awake, and willing to ignore and abandon rule.

Saying one is fed up is not the same as actually waking up. Without actionable behavior, real dissent, non-compliance, and useful disobedience, all talk is moot. Protests are not only irrelevant, but actually play into the hands of the State's desired agenda of creating chaos, and if the fake January 6th event did not prove that, nothing will. Calling or writing to your political masters, petitioning Congress, using government courts, signing petitions, etc., are all worthless efforts in futility if actual freedom is sought. And the worst possible solution of all is the ridiculous idea that 'voting' will ever gain any positive change toward liberty. Seeking redress by petitioning government, begging the very entity that is the mortal enemy of freedom, the cause of so much terror and turmoil, and the murderer of millions, is literally insane. Asking your chosen master to save you, seeking permission for everything you do, and paying these criminals off with your wealth and property through taxes and inflation, can only bring you to the brink of annihilation.

Two weeks from Tuesday, this bogus 'election' will take place, probably causing even more hate, dissension, chaos, and unrest, and this will only strengthen the government's position of power and control over you. This is what the ruling class desires, so that more hard-handed enforcement via mass regulation and restriction at first, and if the opportunity presents itself for those who claim authority, possibly even martial law.


Image: © AP Photo/Evan Vucci; Townhall. AWIP:


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