The Democrats and Their Media Will Start a Civil War

The People's Voice

They've been victimized by transgender delusion and
pronoun madness while the price of food doubled,
and their families went hungry.

To explain how this situation occurred in America I will talk a little about my interactions with my neighbor. I'm not worried that he will see this article, because the Internet isn't how he gets his news and forms his opinions. Everything he knows comes from the Democrat left-wing globalist media, CNN and MSNBC. In fact, the more biased and filled with "fake news" the more he believes it. He doesn't possess critical thinking skills. He believes all of the left-wing democrat propaganda no matter how many times he's lied to, he believes, believes, believes.

When the Russia, Russia, Russia, hoax was in the news day and night he believed it all. He believed that Russia interfered with the 2016 and 2020 elections. He believed that Donald Trump was working with the Russians.

When it was all exposed as crap and the globalist media quietly got on with a new pack of lies, he simply forgot about being misled and lied to, and accepted the next idiocy. He believes men can be women and give birth because the Democrats and their media told him so. He doesn't possess the mental faculties to question it.

Sometimes when we're both outside in our backyards, we have short, strained conversations. I have to walk on eggshells and be careful not to say anything about the cost of food, the economy, Trump, the war in Ukraine, or the coming election.

He lives in a fictional democrat narrative where there is no inflation, the cost of gasoline was higher during Trump, and everything is better now under Biden. I don't want to get on the subject of news and world affairs with him because inevitably he will parrot the lies he hears on MSNBC or CNN, his two favorite sources of news. He doesn't realize it's propaganda, he doesn't question anything and believes everything they tell him.

He readily attacks Donald Trump as a monster, a Hitler, and is ashamed of the world's view of America because of Trump. The globalist media has told him the world hates Trump. I don't try to tell him that it's the opposite of this, and the world loves Trump and looks to him with hope, while Biden is a laughingstock and seen as an utterly corrupt pathological liar. I know he would never accept this and cannot comprehend such a truth. He would become offended if I told him. It would only serve to deepen the animosity between us.

He thinks that Putin is a dictator, "the worst mass murderer on earth", he says. He believes that Ukraine is fighting for democracy and freedom and America must keep giving Ukraine hundreds of billions of dollars "for as long as it takes" because that's what his hero Biden, told him. When I explained to him that Ukraine is mostly made up of ethnic Russians living in places like the Donbas region and Obama gave the Ukranian Bandera Nazis artillery and mortar shells to use against Russian civilians killing thousands of innocent people he immediately became very indignant and angry with me.

He thinks America wants peace and Putin wants war with Ukraine. I tried to tell him that Russia isn't interested in war or invading other countries like America is, and they went into Ukraine after a great outcry from thousands of Russian families living there who were being murdered and raped by Ukrainian Nazis. I told him Zalinsky and Ukraine are being used by the globalists and America to attack and destabilize Russia.

I said America has fought over 100 wars in the past 100 years whereas Russia has fought only four, World War One, Two, Afghanistan, and now Ukraine. I said America has over 500 military bases around the world and Russia has less than 20 outside its borders. Of course, this information infuriated and offended him because it contradicts the democrat MSNBC narrative that Russia is an aggressive warlike country. He sees information like this as fiction. If he doesn't hear it from CNN and MSNBC, it isn't true.

He believes that Donald Trump attempted to overthrow the United States on January 6th. And only because the democrat party, a champion of freedom and justice stopped him, did America narrowly avoid being turned into a dictatorship. I tried to tell him that the entire January 6th story was a lie like the Russa, Russa, Russa, hoax and just a democrat media smear campaign.

I tried to show him Donald Trump's Tweets on January 6th telling the American people to remain peaceful when Trump said: "I am asking for everyone at the U.S. Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! remember, WE are the party of Law & Order - respect the law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!" And he also said: "Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!" Needless to say, he doesn't believe Trump ever said that even though the record of the tweets still exists on X.

The degree to which the American people have been radicalized and indoctrinated is comparable to the creation of the Soviet Communist Party under Stalin or Hitler's Brown Shirts. Americans like my neighbor have been turned into a left-wing army by eight years of relentless twenty-four-seven democrat globalist media propaganda. He and millions of other Americans are now prepared to take up arms against Trump supporters. My neighbor sees the MAGA movement as the most dangerous threat to America.

Living next door to this individual who sees me as a threat to him and his country is a serious concern. It will take very little for the globalist media to push him and millions like him over the edge. I think he could kill if the media told him to. Sometimes I think he's so brainwashed, if MSNBC told him excrement is chocolate pudding, he would eat it.

My country is now filled with many millions of illegal immigrants and gang members. The continents of South America and Africa have emptied their prisons and mental institutions into the United States. The democrats have flown these people in at taxpayers' expense and bussed them to every state. Crime and murder are rampant. My neighbor doesn't know any of this and wouldn't believe me if I told him. In his eyes, I am the threat.

I sleep with a gun on my bedside table to protect my family not only from the rapists', murderers, gang members, home invaders, and serial killers brought into the country by Biden and the Democrats but for protection against Antifa and the radicalized left. Next door lives a man who's like a sleeper cell waiting to be activated by a command from the media. This is how the Democrats have divided the American people.

The democrats know the world consists of two kinds of people, those with critical thinking skills who can see the difference between truth and lies and those who can't. Although the majority of Americans know when they're being gaslighted and lied to, a large percentage of them don't. This gives the Democrats and their media tremendous and terrible power. Everybody remembers the so-called "fiery but peaceful protests". Hundreds of cities were burned and thousands of innocent people were killed because the left was angry that Trump was president.

Because of the Talking heads at CNN, MSNBC, and shows like The View, whose sole purpose is to divide and incite the American people against each other, we stand poised on the brink of a civil war. If by some miracle and the grace of God Donald Trump wins in the upcoming rigged election, the angry democrats and their media will crank up the lies and propaganda to full force pushing millions of radicalized left-wing Americans over the edge.

The danger that America now faces is far worse than anything our country has seen at any other time in history. It isn't just millions of left-wing crazies, murderous, gang members, and criminals that will fuel this conflict. This time it's also the American people who will be willing participants because they have been relentlessly pushed and demonized for the past eight years.

The American people have been exceedingly patient with the Democrats and their media. They have been labeled as terrorists for standing up to left-wing democrat school boards for attempting to sexualize their children, exposing them to pornography, transvestitism, and homosexuality, and trying to convince their children to change their sexual identities instead of educating them.

They've been labeled as terrorists for supporting Trump while the Biden-Harris regime had them spied on by FBI agents in their churches. They have silently watched as men who claim to be women-dominated destroy women's athletics and enter women's locker rooms to look at their naked wives and daughters.

They've been victimized by transgender delusion and pronoun madness while the price of food doubled, and their families went hungry.

They've been called deplorables, terrorist MAGA, and racists because of the color of their skin, and persecuted for loving their country, their flag, and constitutional rights.

The American people's backs are against the wall now and their patience has worn thin. They can't live under Bidenomicks, the lying Democrats, and their propaganda media any longer.

When the American people realize their votes don't count and the election process is hopelessly rigged their thinking will change.

When the Democrats continue the destruction of America and bring in millions more illegals to replace the American people, an awakening will occur.

When the American people realize that persecution, repression, demonization, economic looting, and inflation will never end, their eyes will open.

When the American people understand there is no way within the boundary of the laws to stop what is happening and get their country back a powder keg of rage, resentment, and frustration, built up over the past eight years will explode.

Then the American people will no longer submit to their destruction. They will no longer lay down to be trampled by their communist democrat government, the lying media, and a corrupt system of laws that no longer serve them.

And it will be at that moment the American people get up off their knees and fight, as they haven't fought in two hundred years, not since the day their founding fathers sacrificed their lives to sign their constitution.

Then the democrats and their lying media will understand what it means to "sow the wind and reap the whirlwind" (Hosea 8:7)

And then and only then will the American people get their country back.


Image: © The People's Voice. AWIP:


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