Truth Teller: The Price
Dr Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc
This is the introduction to Vernon Coleman’s book `Truth Teller: The Price.’ The book is a very personal look at a devastating war which has now lasted for nearly four years. It has been a war to publish the truth – a war against the medical establishment and the mainstream media. And now we have to ask: whatever happened to truth, honesty, respect and freedom of speech?
Introduction — Early in 2020, Antoinette and I realised that governments around the world were over-selling the risks associated with the coronavirus. Widely quoted predictions based on mathematical models were clearly outrageous, and everyone in government and the medical profession seemed to have forgotten that the ordinary, common or garden flu can (and does) kill many hundreds of thousands every year. The warnings and predictions were clearly exaggerated, and the epidemiology of what was being promoted as a new and deadly plague was clearly identical to the epidemiology of the annual flu. Neil Ferguson, the man most widely recognised as being behind the mathematical models had a terrible track record, and it was difficult to see why anyone in authority was taking any notice of his warnings. Ferguson was professor of mathematical biology at Imperial College in London and on the basis of his advice, the politicians decided we should be locked in and subjected to social distancing rules. But this is what the Government knew about Ferguson when they decided to put their trust in him and his team: