Copenhagen fails! No binding agreement. No Emission Reduction Targets :-)
Low targets, goals dropped: Copenhagen ends in failure. American officials spun the deal as a "meaningful agreement", but even Obama said: "This progress is not enough." "We have come a long way, but we have much further to go," he added. This is good news. We're happy to find that the forces for a worldwide dictatorship are having a hard time. We're relieved. But we should not relax -there's trouble ahead. WUWT: Guardian Headline – Low targets, goals dropped: Copenhagen ends in failure. Politico: We're Saved?! Politicians at UN Announce They Will Control Earth's Thermostat! Climate Deal 'sets a cap on worldwide temp increases at no more than 2°C' [via: Climate Depot] NRO Weekend: Bjorn Lomborg: Deal is 'nothing more than face-saving by the world's leaders...promising to cut carbon emissions is a dead-end strategy'.