Flight 253 passenger Kurt Haskell: "Today is the day that I realized that my own country is lying to me and all of my fellow Americans."
Haskell and his wife, Lori, were aboard Flight 253 when Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab allegedly tried to destroy the plane. AlterNet: What's Next: Muslim-Only Lines At Airports? -Three years ago British Dept of Transportation officials openly discussed corralling men of South Asian or Middle Eastern appearance at airports for intense questioning, checks and searches. Now open talk of Muslim-only airport lines are fueling even greater racial division, fear and hysteria. The Guardian: Racial or religious groups could be picked out for hi-tech airport checks: "They would be looking for people who are acting differently from regular passengers. However, it is going to appear to target a particular group of people because sadly it is that group of people that is presenting the problem at the moment." Crooks & Liars: You Don't Need To See My Wife & Children Naked To Secure An Airplane! (Congressman Chaffetz). Black Agenda Report: Is the Detroit Nigerian "Terrorist" A Patsy?