Massive Reserves Of Gold And Oil In Haiti?
Even as Haiti struggles to recover from the greatest disaster in that nation's history, information is coming to light that the key to a brighter future for the Haitians may have been lying under their feet all this time. It turns out that there are massive reserves of gold and oil in Haiti. These abundant natural resources could be used to rebuild Haiti and give those people an incredibly bright future. Haiti's [resources] have not been developed due to the violence and political instability that have ravaged that nation for decades. Not to mention the fact that Haiti does not possess the technical expertise to exploit those resources. But apparently they do exist. PT: Why Is The US Military Occupying Four Airports In Haiti? The Star: Haiti's future glitters with gold. ALI: Western Countries after Haiti Gold, Copper, Oil. Le Nouvelliste: Forez, puis pompez le pétrole d'Haïti! Quelque 11 puits dont certains d'une profondeur de 2944 mètres ont été forés à la Plaine du Cul- de- sac, au Plateau Central et à l'Ile de La Gonâve. Des indices en surface ont été trouvés dans la presqu'île du sud et sur la côte nord, a expliqué l'ingénieur Anglade qui croit dur comme fer que le contexte économique prête à ces explorations. English translation: Drill, and then pump the oil of Haiti! Some 11 wells, with a certain depth of 2944 meters were drilled at the Plaine du Cul-de-sac on the Plateau Central and at l'Ile de La Gonâve. Surface (tentative) indicators for oil were found at the Southern peninsula and on the North coast, explained the engineer Anglade, who strongly believes in the immediate commercial viability of these explorations [BNVillage]. AWIP: Oil in Haiti – Economic Reasons for the UN/US Occupation. Eurasian Minerals Inc: Projects in Haiti: "EMX, and exploration alliance partner Newmont, are aggressively exploring the Company's extensive property portfolio in what is gaining recognition as one of the world's premier, early stage gold exploration terrains." Red Ice: Haiti's Oil, Gold & Iridium Resources Explains the Post Earthquake Occupation/Invasion. PressTV: US says it will stay in Haiti for long term.