
Permalink Climategate gives lord of the sceptics plenty of ammunition -Video

The visit to Australia this week of Lord Christopher Monckton - the world's most effective global warming sceptic - couldn't have been better timed. Hot on the heels of the "Climategate" email leak, which called into question the "tricks" used to sex up the case for the war against global warming, have come back-to-back revelations tarnishing the reputation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. GlobalWarming.org: EPA Suppresses Internal Global Warming Study. Examiner: The Silence of the Warmists: 'Who's defending UN IPCC's Pachauri? Gore? RealClimate.org? Hansen? Romm? EU? 'None of them have spoken out defending Pachauri': Climate skeptic websites, such as Marc Morano's Climate Depot, are monitoring the blogosphere for attacks on Rajendra Pachauri, head of the IPCC, who through a series of tone-deaf statements and inability to realise that the uncovery of a series of mistakes in IPCC reports is actually serious, topped by revelations of financial connections of his that have benefited from climate alarmism, is considered a candidate for unemployment insurance. They have trumpeted Andrew Weaver 's (a prominent climatologist and IPCC Lead Author) call for Pachauri's resignation, and Mick Hulme of East Anglia University's more measured statement about the possible need for new leadership, as signs of his imminent demise. They're looking in the wrong place. When a high bureaucrat is in trouble, what you need to look for is who's defending him.


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