How To Kill Goyim And Influence People: Leading Israeli Rabbis Defend Manual for For Killing Non-Jews -VIDEO
As soon as it was published late last year,Torat Ha’Melech sparked a national uproar. When I went into the Jewish religious book emporium, Pomeranz, in central Jerusalem to inquire about the availability of a book called Torat Ha’Melech, or the King’s Torah, a commotion immediately ensued. “Are you sure you want it?” the owner, M. Pomeranz, asked me half-jokingly. “The Shabak [Israel's internal security service] is going to want a word with you if you do.” As customers stopped browsing and began to stare in my direction, Pomeranz pointed to a security camera affixed to a wall. “See that?” he told me. “It goes straight to the Shabak!”
According to the book’s author, Rabbi Yitzhak Shapira, “Non-Jews are “uncompassionate by nature” and should be killed in order to “curb their evil inclinations.” “If we kill a gentile who has has violated one of the seven commandments… there is nothing wrong with the murder,” Shapira insisted. Citing Jewish law as his source (or at least a very selective interpretation of it) he declared: “There is justification for killing babies if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us, and in such a situation they may be harmed deliberately, and not only during combat with adults.”
Xymphora: "How To Kill Goyim And Influence People: Leading Israeli Rabbis Defend Manual for For Killing Non-Jews" You can find fruitcakes in every religion making outrageously violent racist statements. However, the Jewish case is different. For one thing, Jewish religious writing contains more explicitly violent hatred against other groups. More importantly, Israel is a military dictatorship run by generals who take religious direction from the settler movement, and these Jewish fruitcakes are leaders of the settler movement. The Jewish crazies have inspired real violence, and their words could lead to massive genocide. It is not improper or bigoted to point out the direct connection between Jewish religious writing and Israeli state violence, particularly as the connection is becoming more dangerous.
Crossing The Crescent: The Rise of Ultra-Semitism in Israel