No miracle yesterday in Nabi Saleh: Mustafa Tamimi murdered
“Ambulance! Ambulance!” - So far, there were three people who had suffocated from the tear gas, and three people injured by rubber bullets. I saw gas, and so assumed that it was another case of suffocation. But the cries got louder, urgent, desperate — quite unlike the previous calls. Along with those around me, we began running to where the injured person lay, 50 meters away. Screams. “Mustafa! Mustafa!” - I ran faster. I stopped. The youth I was so used to, the same ones who were always teasing and joking and smoking, were crying. One turned to me and groaned, “His head. His head is split into two!” My stomach plummeted and I forgot to breathe. Exaggeration, I thought. Impossible. Not here. More screams of “Mustafa!”
I saw the man lying on the ground. I saw the medic with one knee on the ground, his face a mask of shock. I saw his bloodied gloved hands. Mustafa’s sister was screaming his name. I saw Mustafa. I saw the blood, the big pool of dark red blood. I saw the blood dripping from his head to the ground as they carried him and put him in a taxi, since the ambulance was nowhere to be found. I saw other the tear-streaked faces of other activists, and all I felt was numbness. Mustafa’s sister Ola was still screaming, so I put my arms around her as she buried her head in my chest. I was babbling, “It’s ok, he’s gonna be fine, it’s ok” but she kept on screaming. Her screams and the disturbing reactions of those around me made my legs numb. Ola then left to go to the watchtower where the taxi with her brother was, and my state of shock crumbled as I gasped out my tears in the arms of my friend.
Stephen Lendman: Treating Palestinians Lawlessly
Khalid Amayreh: Gingrich's obscene canard
Joharah Baker: Gingrich, the Fight is on - Two things happened this week that shook the Palestinians to their core. The first was the killing of Mustapha Tamimi, the 27-year old popular resistance activist who was shot directly in the face with a teargas canister while protesting Israel’s measures in his village. The second thing that shook us was the comments made by Republican presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich. By now, almost everyone has heard about his racist, outrageous rant, about how he offensively called the Palestinians an “invented people” and how we were all “terrorists.” These two events epitomize all that is right and all that is wrong with Palestine’s affairs today. Mustapha Tamimi lived and died a hero for his cause. The popular resistance led by his village is what all revolutionary movements are striving for – consistency, efficacy and passion. He has died, but his cause has not, his memory has not and the throes of people who stood beside him will not give up the fight even as they bitterly mourn their brother and friend. Gingrich represents the dark side of affairs. He is not alone in his own twisted and racist way of thinking. A slice of America – no matter how small we may make it might to be – adheres to this mindset and blindly supports Israel regardless of what it does or who it hurts.