Day 10 of the Russian special operation in Banderastan
● According to am internal Ukrainian document which has been circulating on the Runet, apparently a leak from the Ukie security council, which admits 40% of the Ukrainian territory is under Russian control and over 75% of the Ukie military was destroyed. Considering the amount of fakes out there, I cannot vouch for the authenticity of this document, but I will notice that those two figures (40% territory and 75% of the military) are exactly what I have been estimating myself, especially the size of the remaining military (which is much more important than holding territory.
● This is crucial: the Empire of Lies is lying, of course, but it also knows the true score. Which means that now that the West has lost the war in the Ukraine it needs two things: as many dead (on all sides) as possible and to make the most political capital possible from this war, which means that not only must it last as long as possible, but it has to “deliver” the biggest number of deaths, maimed and injured. Besides, that kind of stuff pushes all the correct “emotional buttons” and prevents the audience from using its analytical capabilities, however tiny these might be.
● Any halfway competent military commander who would look at the map above would immediately see that the only rational decision at this point is for the Ukrainians to surrender: that map is really a no brainer. But since orders come from Uncle Shmuel and since Uncle Shmuel hates Steppe Niggers no less than Snow Niggers, Uncle Shmuel will now aim its immense resources at prolonging that war as long as possible and with as many casualties as possible.