Biolabs in Ukraine: Who are Metabiota’s investors?
Metabiota, the US company funded by US Department of Defence’s Threat Reduction Agency (“DTRA”) to operate biolabs in Ukraine, was founded by Nathan Wolfe who is linked to the Global Virome Project, EcoHealth, World Economic Forum and Jeffrey Epstein. Wolfe, through Metabiota and its sister non-profit Global Viral, is not only been funded by various branches of US Department of Defence but, is also funded by Hunter Biden’s Rosemont Seneca and CIA venture capital company In-Q-Tel. And this is merely scratching the surface of those backing the biolabs in Ukraine.
This is Part 3 of a three-part series. Part 1 can be read HERE and Part 2 HERE.
US-Geheimprojekte in Ukraine-Bio-Waffen-Laboren: Spur führt auch zu Joe Bidens Sohn. (Wochenblick)