Global Times Editorial: Arms merchants, politicians, experts, think tanks batten on corpse of Ukraine
Amid the Russia-Ukraine conflict, arms dealers have made a big fortune in the ongoing war, and financial predators have also missed no opportunity to take full advantage of the situation. Moreover, in the US, there is a group of “politicians, experts, or think tanks” who live by creating imaginary enemies and attacking Russia or China. These warmongers are “vampires” feeding on the bloody turbulence in other countries. Observers predict that the post-war reconstruction of war-torn Ukraine may involve huge amounts of money, and US companies, along with transnational corporations, will be the main beneficiaries of Ukraine’s reconstruction.
The Democratic and Republican parties in the US are generally divided on many topics, from climate change to same-sex marriage, but there is one exception – the defense expenditure. In 2020, the US spent nearly $780 billion on its military. The figure was more than the total expenditure of the other nine countries following the US that spent the most on the military in the same year combined. To justify such a large military expenditure, the US had tried to incite wars around the world, with the Russia-Ukraine conflict their latest target.