Monkeypox is a production of Gates, the World Health Organization (WHO), and all the people who brought you Event 201. As Cindy Ragusa (who researched this entire presentation) succinctly put it, “They must live in a bubble where they just do whatever they want. It’s got $$$$ printed all over it, so they can’t see out, and they think we’re all too dumb for it to matter.” MORE
Monkeypox is coming, just as they predicted (and just as "Ukraine" started getting old)! | Mark Crispin Miller | How did Dr. Fauci know, back in 2017, that a new respiratory virus would hit the world while Trump was still in office? And, some two years later, how did the participants in Event 201 foresee the emergence of “a novel zoonotic coronavirus” just a few months prior to its “outbreak”? We might know the answers to those questions, if anyone in “our free press” had ever thought to ask them, instead of working overtime to keep us in the dark, and thereby keep us stupefied with fear.
European CDC Drops Bomb: ‘Monkeypox Outbreak Appears To Have Leaked From US Biolab In Ukraine’ | American Buddhist Net | MP appearing suddenly in multiple places is either media hype or a sign of it being disseminated by bad actors. It also may be a normal stochastic outbreak, in which case it will subside quickly. Natural MP is not dangerous and easily controlled. Deliberately planted lab-enhanced MP is another matter. Not doing fear porn here, just considering possibilities. Since covid was a bioweapon it is reasonable to suspect a repeat performance.
Monkeypox: "Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me" | Mike Whitney | And what if Monkeypox is not, in fact, a natural occurring virus but merely the next phase of a relentless war on Constitutional government, individual freedom and the basic institutions of modern civilization? Perhaps, we are being prepared for a different civilization altogether, a civilization in which all of our decisions will be made for us by enlightened elders, corporate stakeholders and well-meaning philanthropists. Is that possible?
The Monkeypox Scam | Stephen Lendman | The die appears to be cast. Get ready for the rollout of more kill shots. What’s crucial to shun for flu/covid applies to monkeypox. Ignore the coming hype already begun. Protect and preserve health by avoiding all kill shots — especially what’s heavily promoted with diabolical aims in mind.