Fresh from banning more opposition parties, Ukraine's Zelensky takes it upon himself to shill for war with China over Taiwan
Helen Buyniski | The actor-turned-politician has become the perfect useful idiot for Washington’s foreign policy priorities. If Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky isn’t getting paid to foment war between the West and China, he should be. The ubiquitous media darling declared on Saturday that the “international community” must help Taiwan resist Chinese “aggression” now, before Beijing attacks the poor little heavily-armed island. Coming from the leader of any other eastern European kleptocracy, such a suggestion might have been shrugged off as the egotistical bloviation of a spoiled child. But Zelensky has the ears of the "free world," and what he says is lapped up by the narrative managers of the Western media as gospel. All this in a week when his regime banned another pair of opposition parties, bringing the total to nine. A fact the US/UK press certainly hasn't reported loudly.