Abp. Viganò: Roe decision is a ‘historic opportunity’ to defend the ‘sanctity of human life’
The decision of the Supreme Court did not overrule the “right to abortion” – as the mainstream narrative claims – but rather it overturned abortion’s “obligatory legalization in all of the States,” returning the power to decide about the “profound moral question of abortion” to “the people and their elected representatives,” from whom Roe v. Wade had removed it, contrary to the dictates of the U.S. Constitution.
Actually, the following ought to be enough to make people understand the importance of this decision: attacks carried out by “pro-choice” groups, assaults against pro-life organizations, the desecration of churches, scenes of hysteria on the part of supporters of the right to kill the innocent life of the unborn child, emblematically uniting members of the Democratic party financed by Planned Parenthood, which in turn is financed by the government; the Woke Left; the followers of Klaus Schwab’s globalism; members of international Freemasonry; ideologues of green change and demographic reduction; propagandists of gender theory, LGBTQ+ ideology, and rainbow flags; adherents of the church of Satan, who consider abortion as one of their “rites” of worship; those who harvest and sell human fetuses from the death clinics; those who sell “vaccines” produced by human fetuses; and those who support the pandemic farce and their grotesque train of “experts,” all of whom agree that their cultural hegemony is now threatened, a hegemony that since 1973 has caused the death of 63 million children in the United States, who have been offered in human sacrifice to the Moloch of political correctness.