COVID-19 Vaccines Hinder The Immune System, Lead To More Severe Illness: Dr. Robert Malone
Over 17,000 doctors and researchers have signed a declaration stating categorically that genetic vaccinations must be discontinued. According to one amongst them, Dr. Robert Malone, COVID-19 vaccines hinder the immune system and leads to more severe illness.
■ Healthcare professionals who had multiple COVID-19 vaccination boosters after originally contracting the original virus strain from Wuhan are more vulnerable to chronic reinfection from the Omicron variety, according to a study from the United Kingdom. ■ According to researcher and physician Dr. Robert Malone, this may aid in understanding why individuals who have had several COVID-19 vaccination boosters are frequently the ones who end up in hospitals with severe COVID-19 symptoms, sometimes leading to death. ■ This phenomenon is the result of a mechanism called “immune imprinting,” through which initial exposure to a virus strain may inhibit the body from generating sufficient neutralizing antibodies against a newer strain, according to Malone, an inventor of mRNA vaccine technology, in an interview.
Cancers, Hepatitis, Bell’s Palsy, Herpes: Dr. Roger Hodkinson Warns 'Vaccines' Problems Will Worsen - VIDEO