Embalmers Have Been Finding Numerous Long, Fibrous Clots That Lack Post-Mortem Characteristics
Several embalmers across the country have been observing many large, and sometimes very long, “fibrous” and rubbery clots inside the corpses they treat, and are speaking out about their findings | Numerous embalmers from different states confirmed to The Epoch Times that they have been seeing these strange clots, starting from either 2020 or 2021. It’s not yet known if the cause of the new clot phenomenon is COVID-19, vaccines, both, or something different. ● The Epoch Times received additional videos and photos of the anomalous clots, but could not upload them due to the level of gore. ● Mike Adams, who runs an ISO-17025 accredited lab in Texas, analyzed clots in August and found them to be lacking iron, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. Adams’s lab uses inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), triple quadrupole mass spectrometer, and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, usually testing food for metals, pesticides, and glyphosate.