New Danish Government to Skip Christian Holiday for the Sake of War Budget
Dropping Jesus For the Sake of Aggressive War: The West has poured billions in arms "assistance" to Ukraine. ● Danish arsenals have been depleted by Copenhagen’s decision to send military help, including Harpoon missiles and other weapons, to assist Ukraine despite Moscow’s consistent warnings that assistance to Kiev is merely drawing out the conflict further. ● Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen and the newly-formed Danish coalition government are expecting their fellow Danes to drop a historic Christian Holiday that has existed for over 300 years in order to replenish the war chest scraped bare by the country's recent actions. 💬 “What we are asking for is for the Danes to work one more day so that we can live up to our international obligations in defense and security policy,” Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said, adding that the Danes must contribute “a little more” to the country’s defense.
■ We need Christmas - now more than ever (Neil Oliver)