
Permalink Video Conversation: Extinguishing the Totalitarian Fire

‘In the interests of humanity and democracy . . . emergency action needs to be taken . . .the cessation of all technological development for the moment’ - I am back with James Collins for our 12th encounter, this one to look back at the year that was and forward to the one that has begun. What is the true, deep meaning fo the ‘Covid Project’? What is the scope of the damage it has wrought upon the fabric of our society as a human community? Why were we so ill-prepared not merely for the confiscation of freedoms but the changes trundling down towards us from the future, now being implemented as if we are not here? What awaits us in 2023, and what are our chances of turning things around? Beyond that, if/when we succeed, what is the scope of the project awaiting us in rebuilding our country and community once the totalitarian fire has been extinguished and the arsonists of our country, our democracy and our freedoms, are safety behind bars?


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