Nakba at 75: Israel’s State-Building Project Is Unraveling – From Within
Jonathan Cook | Israel’s undoing will not be an attack from Arab states or international sanctions. Rather, its leaders have created a monster they can no longer tame | As Israel celebrates its 75th anniversary, the state-building project it cemented into place in 1948 by expelling 750,000 Palestinians from their homeland is showing the first signs of unraveling. ● The surprise is that Israel’s woes spring not, as generations of its leaders feared, from outside forces – a combined attack from Arab states or pressure from the international community – but from Israel’s own internal contradictions. ● Israeli leaders created the very problems they all too obviously lack the tools to now solve. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s bombardment of Gaza in recent days, killing dozens of Palestinians, should be understood in that light. It is one more indication of Israel’s internal crisis. Once again, the Palestinians are being used in a frantic bid to shore up an increasingly fragile “Jewish” unity.
■ 15 May – Commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Nakba at UN Headquarters in New York (05/15/23)